1 Important Information
Getting Started
2 Controls
3 Arwing Controls
4 Controlling Other Vehicles
5 Getting Started
6 Saving and Erasing Data
7 Game Modes
8 Map Screen
9 Mission View
10 Main Game
11 Flight Modes
12 Items
13 The Star Fox Team
1 Important Information
Thank you for selecting STAR FOX
64™ 3D for Nintendo 3DS™.
This software is designed only for
use with the European/Australian
version of the Nintendo 3DS system.
Please read this manual carefully
before using this software. If the
software is to be used by young
children, the manual should be read
and explained to them by an adult.
Before use, please also read the
Operations Manual for your
Nintendo 3DS system. It contains
important information that will help
you enjoy this software.
♦ Unless stated otherwise, any
references to "Nintendo 3DS" in
this manual refer to both
Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 3DS
XL systems.
Health and Safety Information
Important information about your
health and safety is available in the
Health and Safety Information
application on the HOME Menu.
To access this application, touch the
icon on the HOME Menu, then
touch OPEN and read the contents
of each section carefully. When you
have finished, press
return to the HOME Menu.
You should also thoroughly read the
Operations Manual, especially the
Health and Safety Information
section, before using Nintendo 3DS
For precautions related to wireless
communication and online play,
please refer to the Operations
Manual, "Health and Safety
Information Sharing Precautions
When sharing content with other
users, do not upload/exchange/send
any content that is illegal, offensive
or could infringe on the rights of
others. Do not include personal
information and make sure you have
obtained all necessary rights and
permissions from third parties.
Language Selection
The in-game language depends on
the one that is set on the system.
This title supports five different
languages: English, German, French,
Spanish and Italian. If your
Nintendo 3DS system language is
set to one of these, the same
language will be displayed in the
software. If your Nintendo 3DS
system is set to another language,
the in-game default language will be
English. For instructions about how
to change the system language,
please refer to the System Settings
electronic manual.
Age Rating Information
For age rating information for this
and other software, please consult
the relevant website for the age
rating system in your region.
PEGI (Europe):
USK (Germany):
COB (Australia):
OFLC (New Zealand):
When you download or use this
software (including any digital
content or documentation you
download or use in connection with
this software) and pay any
applicable fees, you are granted a
personal, non-exclusive, revocable
licence to use this software on your
Nintendo 3DS system. Your use of
this software is subject to the
Nintendo 3DS Service User
Agreement and Privacy Policy,
which includes the Nintendo 3DS
Code of Conduct.
Unauthorised reproduction or
distribution is prohibited. Your
Nintendo 3DS system and this
software are not designed for use
with any unauthorised device or any
non-licensed accessory. Such use
may be illegal, voids any warranty,
and is a breach of your obligations
under the user agreement.
Furthermore, such use may lead to
injury to yourself or others and may
cause performance issues and/or
damage to your Nintendo 3DS
system and related services.
Nintendo® (as well as any Nintendo
licensee or distributor) is not
responsible for any damage or loss
caused by the use of such devices
or non-licensed accessories.
This software, instruction manual
and other written materials
accompanying the software are
protected by domestic and
international intellectual property
laws. The furnishing of this
document does not provide you
with any licence or other ownership
interest in such materials.
Nintendo respects the intellectual
proDpowenlroatdyfroom Wfwow.Stohmeanurasls.,coma.nAlldManwuales Seaarcsh kAnd Download.
Nintendo 3DS software content
providers to do the same. In
accordance with the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act in the US,
the Electronic Commerce Directive
in the EU, and other applicable
laws, we have adopted a policy of
removing, in appropriate
circumstances and at our sole
discretion, any Nintendo 3DS
software that appears to infringe
anyone else's intellectual property.
If you believe your intellectual
property rights are being infringed,
please visit this website to view the
full policy and understand your
rights: ippolicy.nintendo-europe.
Australia and New Zealand
consumers please visit:
© 1997-2011 Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Trademarks are property of their
respective owners. Nintendo 3DS is
a trademark of Nintendo.
2 Controls
In-Game Controls
These instructions refer primarily to
the Type A control scheme.
Change point
of view*
/ (While
/ (While
smart bomb
Bank ship left
Bank ship
Double tap or
Barrel roll
Touch the lower
pause menu
* U-turns and changing the point of view
are only possible in All-Range Mode (p.
Gyro Controls
With the gyro controls, you can
ascend, descend and steer by
tilting the Nintendo 3DS. If the
controls seem misaligned, return
the unit to a neutral position,
then press lightly.
This software involves moving
the Nintendo 3DS system
around while you play. Ensure
that you have adequate space
around you and that you hold
the system firmly in both hands
while playing. Failing to do so
could result in injury and/or
damage to surrounding objects.
Other Controls
Touch the lower
3 Arwing Controls
High-Speed Turn
Press and hold / while turning
to make a sharper turn.
Somersaults and U-turns
If you angle the craft upwards, you
can perform a somersault by
pressing boost, or a U-turn by
pressing brake. Alternatively, just
press to perform a somersault, or
to do a U-turn.
♦ U-turns are only possible in All-Range
Mode (p. 11).
Charge Shots and Homing
Hold to charge up the laser.
When the crosshairs change colour,
quickly press again to release a
powerful charge shot. If an enemy
target comes into range while
charging, the crosshairs will follow it
to indicate a lock on. Quickly press
or to release a charge shot or
smart bomb that will home in on the
Barrel Roll
Double tap or to do a
barrel roll, a manoeuvre that
repels enemy fire.
4 Controlling Other Vehicles
These vehicles are only used on
certain stages.
Landmaster Tank
The basic controls are
the same as the
Arwing’s, but sliding
up and down only
moves the gun. Press
or to bank. Hold and
together to hover.
♦ The Landmaster can roll, but it cannot
repel fire like the Arwing's roll. Also,
hovering and banking will fill up the
boost meter (p. 9).
Blue-Marine Submersible
The basic controls are
the same as the
Arwing’s. Press to
fire a Torpedo. The
Blue-Marine cannot
fire charge shots.
5 Getting Started
Press on the title
screen to display the
main menu.
Main Game
Play through the single-player story
mode (p. 10).
Up to four players can compete via
Download Play (p. 14).
Alternatively, select SINGLE PLAYER
to play against the CPU.
Score Attack
Select a mission and aim for a high
Learn to fly the Arwing, then test
your skills in the trial run.
Adjust the control settings, and
erase save data (p. 6).
6 Saving and Erasing Data
Progress through the game will be
saved automatically in a single file.
● Do not turn the power off, reset
the system or remove Game
Cards/SD Cards while saving.
Make sure not to get dirt in the
terminals. These actions could
result in permanent data loss.
● Do not use external accessories
or software to modify your save
data, as this can lead to an
inability to progress or loss of
save data. Any modification is
permanent, so be careful.
Erasing Data
Erase data by selecting OPTIONS
from the main menu (p. 5) and
choosing ERASE ALL DATA.
♦ Once it has been deleted, data cannot
be restored, so please be careful.
7 Game Modes
After the control settings screen,
there will be an opportunity to
practise flying. After that, choose a
play mode to start the game.
♦ On the control settings screen, you
can choose whether or not to invert
the up/down controls for your craft.
Play Modes
This mode is
designed for
Nintendo 3DS
easy play. It is
possible to
continue in this
This mode
recreates the
challenge of
Nintendo 64
Nintendo 64
This mode will
available after
Expert Mode
♦ Nintendo 64 and Expert mode cannot
be played using the gyro controls
(p. 2).
Resuming a Game
When returning to the main game,
select SAVED GAME to resume from
where you left off. Alternatively,
select NEW GAME to start the game
again (overwriting the existing save
data), or GUEST GAME to start a
new game as a guest (during which
your progress will not be saved).
8 Map Screen
Your progress and current route are
shown on the map screen before
starting the next mission. Start a
new mission by selecting NEW
MISSION from the menu on the
Touch Screen.
♦ While on the map screen you can also
press or to rotate the map.
♦ Press to check the current
① Map and current route
The colour of the route indicates the
difficulty level, with blue being the
easiest, yellow being medium, and
red being hard. The next mission is
indicated by ▼.
② Mission results
Shows which team members
completed the mission with their
Arwings intact, indicated by their
initials (p. 13) and the number of
hits scored in the mission.
③ Current status
Shows the current total hits, the
record number of hits, and the
number of ships remaining.
④ Menu
Start the next
New Mission
Change to a route
with a lower
difficulty level.
From the second
mission onwards,
you can repeat
Last Mission
Main Menu
the last mission,
but will lose one
ship if you choose
to do so.
Quit the game and
return to the main
9 Mission View
The 3D Screen shows the Arwing,
(or Landmaster/Blue-Marine), and its
immediate environment. Incoming
messages and other information are
shown on the Touch Screen.
① Shield gauge
Shows the ship's remaining shield.
② Gold Rings collected (p. 12)
③ Crosshairs
Shots fired will pass
between the brackets.
④ Remaining vehicles
⑤ Number of hits scored
⑥ Enemy's shield gauge
Only displayed in boss battles.
⑦ Boost meter
This will fill up if you perform a
boost, brake, U-turn or somersault.
You won't be able to perform any of
these actions until the gauge
⑧ Remaining smart bombs
⑨ Radar
Displayed in All-Range Mode
(p. 11).
⑩ Wing status
The wings will break off if they take
too much damage. Laser power will
revert to basic levels and flight
performance will go down.
Pause Menu
during play to display
the pause menu. You can choose to
restart the mission (forfeiting one
life), suspend the game, or check
the controls.
♦ You are not able to suspend the game
in Nintendo 64 mode, Expert mode,
or Guest mode.
during a
While on the pause menu, touch the
relevant panel on the Touch Screen
to invert controls for ascending
and descending, toggle the gyro
controls on and off, or toggle the
crosshairs on and off.
10 Main Game
In the main game, you will progress
through the story, one raid at a
Mission Progression and
Alternative Routes
Starting from the planet Corneria,
the story will lead you from mission
to mission as you progress towards
Venom. The route to Venom may
change depending on the actions
taken in each mission, which can
make the story unfold differently.
You will play different missions, and
the game’s difficulty level will
Clearing a Mission (Mission
On clearing a mission you can see
the status of the other Arwing pilots,
the number of hits scored and
number of player vehicles remaining.
Your Arwing’s shield and wing
condition (p. 9) will be fully
♦ The next mission played will depend
on whether Mission Complete or
Mission Accomplished is displayed at
the end of the current mission.
Total hit count
This shows the total number of hits
scored against targets during the
missions cleared so far. An
additional ship is awarded for every
100 hits.
Getting Shot Down and
Game Over
As your vehicle takes damage, the
shield gauge will go down. If it
empties completely, the number of
vehicles remaining is reduced by
one, and you must start the mission
again from the beginning (or from
the checkpoint). If the vehicle is
shot down when you have no more
vehicles remaining, it’s game over.
♦ In Nintendo 3DS mode, you can
continue after a game over.
♦ If you don’t continue and you scored
enough total hits to reach the current
top ten high scores, your name and
high score can be recorded in the
game rankings.
11 Flight Modes
There are two different flight modes
and sometimes a single stage will
switch between the two.
3D Scroll Mode
In this mode
the ship will
move forwards.
During the
mission you will
encounter a
checkpoint. Fly through it and you’ll
return there if your ship is shot
All-Range Mode
This is a free-
flying combat
mode played
over a square-
shaped zone. If
your Arwing
reaches the edge of the combat
zone, it will automatically do a U-
12 Items
The following items can appear
during a mission:
Silver Ring
Refills some of the shield
gauge (p. 9).
Middle Supply
Refills more of the shield
Gold Ring
Refills some of the shield
gauge. Collect three to
increase the size of the
shield gauge. Collect three
more to receive an extra
Smart Bomb
Your number of smart
bombs will increase by one.
Upgrades the normal lasers
to twin lasers, and twin
lasers to hyper lasers.
Wing Repair
Repairs the wings of your
Arwing if they are damaged
(p. 9).
Supply Container
These will appear when you
receive a communication.
Shoot them to reveal a
useful item.
13 The Star Fox Team
Fox has three companions who will
accompany and aid him on missions.
Peppy (P)
Peppy offers strategic
advice on how to proceed
in the level and on the
enemies’ weak points.
Slippy (S)
Slippy provides an analysis
of the boss’s shields during
a boss fight. When he is not
flying with the team, the
boss’s shield gauge (p. 9)
does not appear on screen.
Falco (F)
Falco holds the key to an
alternative route. Help him
early on, and the likelihood
of branching to the more
difficult route becomes
Teammates’ Damage and
Withdrawal from Missions
Each of Fox’s teammates has a
shield gauge that will go down if
they are hit by enemy fire. If a
teammate’s shield gauge is emptied
completely, that teammate will
withdraw from the mission. They will
then be unable to take part in the
next mission, as their Arwing must
undergo repairs.
The current status of Fox’s
teammates can be seen at any time
on the pause menu.
♦ The shield gauges of teammates who
are still present at the end of the
mission will partially recover before the
next mission, in an amount
proportional to the number of hits you
scored in the current mission.
① Teammate not present
② Teammate's shield gauge
14 Download Play
Battle Mode (Download
You can challenge up to three other
friends with Nintendo 3DS systems
to an All-Range Mode battle
(p. 11). One player must have a
copy of the software.
● You Will Need:
- One Nintendo 3DS system per
- One copy of the software
● Setup
● Host System
On the main menu,
(p. 5) select BATTLE,
PLAY. When all the
players have
assembled, select START GAME to
begin the download.
● Client System
1 On the HOME Menu,
touch the Download
Play icon, then
touch OPEN.
2 Touch the
Nintendo 3DS logo.
3 Touch the STAR FOX 64 3D logo.
♦ You may need to perform a
system update. Follow the on-
screen instructions to begin the
If you receive a message during
the system update that the
connection was unsuccessful,
carry out the system update from
the System Settings application.
For further information about
system updates, refer to the
Operations Manual.
15 Battle Mode
After confirming the control settings
(p. 7) select whether to use the
gyro controls or not and select the
victory conditions. When the
settings are complete, select OK to
start the battle.
Victory Conditions
When a player is shot down, they
are out. The last pilot flying is the
Point Battle
The player gets one point each time
they shoot down a rival. The first
player to achieve the set number of
points is the winner.
Time Battle
The player that shoots down the
greatest number of opponents within
the set time is the winner.
Battle Settings
All settings are chosen by the host
player, except for how the player
icons are displayed and the size of
each player’s shield gauge.
Time Limit/Points
Set the battle duration or the
number of points required to win.
Set whether or not items appear
during battle.
Set the skill level of the computer
players. Can only be set if there are
less than four human players.
Choose a stage for the battle or
select RANDOM.
Player Icons
Set whether rival players’ icons are
displayed at all times or only when
they are close.
Shield Gauge
Confident players can reduce the
size of their shield gauge (p. 9).
16 Battle View
① First place crown
Indicates the player in first place.
② Current position
③ Players' status
Shows status information such as
shield gauge levels (p. 9), points
earned and current position.
④ Items
Displayed after picking up an item.
Press to use it.
⑤ Settings
These settings are the same as on
the pause menu during the main
Rival's Info in Download
In Download Play, info on your
rival's status will be displayed
alongside a video of their face taken
with their Nintendo 3DS inner
camera. If you don't want to use
this, you can turn it off in the
System Settings after you have
downloaded the game.
Fly into an item box like
the one on the right to
pick up a random
power-up. Press to
use it.
Each power-up has a different
17 How to Contact Us
For product information, please visit
the Nintendo website at:
For technical support and
troubleshooting, please refer to the
Operations Manual for your
Nintendo 3DS system or visit:
Miele Ventilation Hood DA 390 5 User Manual
Miele Washer W 1215 User Manual
MTD Lawn Mower 90 182 User Manual
Multiquip Trash Compactor HATZ1D81S 325 User Manual
Nady Systems Home Theater System PRA 8 User Manual
New Holland Lawn Mower FR9000 User Manual
North Star Log Splitter M1108D User Manual
Omron Healthcare Blood Pressure Monitor HEM 431C User Manual
Oreck Carpet Cleaner 22082 01 User Manual
Panasonic Laptop Docking Station JS950D5C020 User Manual