Nintendo Video Games 113 User Manual

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-= A L I N K T O T H E P A S T =-  
FAQ/Walkthrough || Version 1.13 || June 18, 2004  
by Michael Gonzalez (Coffee) <>  
1) Introduction  
2) Story  
3) Controls  
4) Walkthrough  
5) Bosses  
6) Heart Piece Locations  
7) Items  
8) Secrets  
9) Credits & Info  
Version 1.13 (06/18/2004)  
- Changed email address (Gmail!)  
Version 1.12 (03/13/2003)  
- Removed game credits to avoid controversy :P  
Version 1.11 (11/25/2002)  
- Formatting changes  
- Updated website URL  
Version 1.1 (11/17/2002)  
- Added game credits  
Version 1.0 (03/30/2001)  
- Ladies and gentlemen, the FAQ is done  
Version 0.9 (03/23/2001)  
- Walkthrough *almost* complete  
- Heart Pieces are complete  
- Expect another update very very soon!  
According to the Hylian scrolls, the mythical gods descended from a  
distant nebula to the world and created order and life. The God of  
dyed the mountains red with fire and created land. The God of Wisdom  
created science and wizardry and brought order to nature. And the God  
Courage, through justice and vigor, created life - the animals that  
crawl the land and the birds that soar in the sky. After the gods had  
finsihed their work, they left the world, but not before creating a  
symbol of their strength, a golden triangle known as the Triforce. A  
small but powerful portion of the essence of the gods was held in this  
mighty artifact, which was to guide the intelligent life on the world  
Although it was an inanimate object, the Triforce had the power to  
bestow three titles which gave the person who received them great  
powers: "The Forger of Strength", "The Keeper of Knowledge", and "The  
Juror of Courage". From its hiding place in the so-called Golden Land  
where the Gods placed it, the Triforce beckoned people from the outside  
world to seek it in the hope that someone worthy of these titles would  
find it. With their magic infused blood, the Hylian people were endowed  
with psychic powers and skill in wizardry. It was also said that their  
long, pointed ears enabled them to hear special messages from the gods,  
so they were heldin high esteem by many people in Hyrule. Their  
descendants settled in various parts of the world and passed on their  
knowledge and magical lore to all people. But in its passing, the lore  
was often distorted or lost altogether.  
In Hyrule, there are many Hylian buildings which are mentioned  
repeatedly in the legends. These buildings, which now lie in ruin, pale  
shadows of their former splendor, are closely tied to the Triforce.  
were even said to house the Triforce...  
If it were only a symbol of the gods, the Triforce would be coveted by  
many. But a verse from the Book of Mudora (a collection of Hylian  
legends and lore) made the Triforce even more desirable:  
In a realm beyond sight,  
The Sky shines gold, not blue.  
There, the Triorce's might  
Makes mortal dreams come true.  
Many aggressively searched for the wish-granting Triforce, but no one,  
not even the Hylian sages, was sure of its location; the knowledge had  
been lost over time. Some said the Triforce lay under the desert,  
said it was in the cemetary in the shadow of Death Mountain, but no one  
ever found it. That yearning for the Triforce soon turned to lust for  
power, which in turn led to the spilling of blood. Soon the only motive  
left among those searching for the Triforce was pure greed.  
One day, quite by accident, a gate to the Golden Land of the Triforce  
was opened by a gang of thieves skilled in the black arts. This land  
like no other. In the gathering twilight, the Triforce shone from its  
resting place high above the world. In a long running battle, the  
of the thieves fought his way past his followers in a lust for the  
Golden Power. After vanquishing his own followers, the leader stood  
triumphant over the Triforce and grasped it with his blood-stained  
hands. He heard a whispered voice: "If thou has a strong desire or  
dream, wish for it..." And in reply, the roaring laughter of the  
leader echoed across time and space and even reached the far-off land  
Hyrule. The name of this king of thieves is Ganondorf Dragmire, but he  
is known by his alias, Mandrag Ganon, which means Ganon of the  
I do not know what Ganon wished for from the Triforce. However, in time  
evil power begain to flow from the Golden Land and greedy men were  
there to become members of Ganon's army. Black clouds permanently  
darkened the sky, and many disasters beset Hyrule. The lord of Hyrule  
sent for the Seven Wise Men and the Knights Of Hyrule, and ordered them  
to seal the enterance to the Golden Land.  
The Triforce, being an inanimate object, cannot judge between good and  
evil. Therefore, it could not know that Ganon's wishes were evil; it  
merely granted them. Suspecting that Ganon's power was based on the  
Triforce's magic, the people of Hyrule forged a sword resistant to  
magic which could repulse even powers granted by the Triforce. This  
mighty weapon became known as the blade of evil's bane, or the Master  
Sword. It was so powerful that only one who was pure of heart and  
of body could wield it. As the Seven Wise Men searched for a valient  
person to take up the Master Sword, Ganon's evil army swarmed from the  
tainted Golden Land into Hyrule and attacked the castle. The wise men  
and the Knights Of Hyrule combined forces to wage war on this evil  
The Knights took the full brunt of the fierce attack, and although they  
fought courageously many a brave soul was lost that day, However, their  
lives were not lost in vain, for they bought precious time for the  
Wise Men to magically seal ganon in the Golden land. All of Hyrule  
rejoiced at the victory that upheld peace and order over Ganon's evil  
and chaos. This war, which had claimed many lives, became known as the  
Imprisoning War in stories told in later centuries.  
Many centuries have passed since the Imprisoning War. The land of  
healed its wounds and the people lived in peace for a long time.  
Memories of the vicious Imprisoning War faded over the generations...  
So it is no surprise that no one was prepared for the new disasters  
have recently struck Hyrule. Pestilence and drought, uncontrollable  
by magic, revaged the land. The king of Hyrule, after counsel with his  
sages, ordered an investigation of the Imprisoned Dark World (as the  
Golden land had come to be known) but the wise men's seal was  
intact. he offered rewards for anyone who could find the source of  
troubles. In answer to these summons a stranger named Agahnim came and  
quelled the disasters with a previously unseen form of magic. As a  
reward, the king gave him a new position as chief advisor and heir to  
the Seven. Masses proclaimed him their hero. Peace had returned to  
Hyrule... or had it?  
Of late, rumors have traveled their whispering path with alarming  
frequency. Rumors saying Agahnim now rules the country with his  
Rumors of strange magical experiments in the castle tower at night...  
The people of Hyrule were gripped by dread.  
-= PROLOGUE =-  
One night, a girl's voice awakens you from your sleep.  
She telepathically pleads.  
You jump out of bed not knowing whether the voice was part of a dream  
reality. Upon leaving your bed, you find your uncle, who should be fast  
asleep at this time, preparing to go out, girded for battle.  
"I'll be back by moring," he says as he departs. "Don't leave the  
You watch him leave with the family sword in hand and shield on arm.  
This night is like no other... Who is Zelda? Where had your uncle gone  
and for what reason?  
And so, on an ill-fated night, a new chapter in the legend of Hyrule's  
hero begins- a new chapter in The Legend of Zelda!  
Control Pad - With the Control Pad you can move your character in eight  
directions including up and down stairs. It's also used for moving the  
cursor in menus.  
A button - A multi-purpose button. It's used for picking up objects,  
running (when you get the Pegasus Boots), talking to people, swimming  
(when you get the flippers), reading signs, grasping, and opening  
B button - Using the sword. Press and hold the button to charge the  
sword, then release for a spin attack. It's also used to confirm  
choices on the menu screens.  
Y button - After you assign a weapon to this button at the sub-menu  
screen, press Y to use it.  
X button - Press to view the overworld map. If you're in a dungeon,  
you'll view a dungeon map.  
Start - Press to switch to the Sub Screen. You can then select items to  
be used with the Y Button or check the status of your equipment.  
Select - The select Button lets you end the game and save data.  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RESCUE THE PRINCESS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
-- LINK'S HOUSE --  
"Help me. Please help me. I am a prisoner in the dungeon of the castle.  
My name is Zelda. The wizard, Agahnim, has done something to the other  
missing girls. Now only I remain. Agahnim has seized control of the  
castle and is now trying to open the seven wise men's seal. I am in the  
dungeon of the castle. Please help me."  
Yes, your first task of the game is to save the princess. It's ironic,  
know. After you wake up, your uncle departs with the sword and tells  
not to leave the house. Yeah right. Take the lamp from the treasure  
chest and go out.  
Guards are restricting your area to a little space in front of the  
castle. Go north from your home and cross the bridge to the castle.  
There's a guard blocking the main entrance, so follow the stone path to  
his right and go around the side of the castle until the path comes to  
dead end. Toss aside the bush (with the A button) and drop into the  
You're now in the basement of Hyrule Castle. There's your uncle! Talk  
him and he'll give you your basic sword and shield. Apparently, he dies  
at this point (I'm assuming that he died, since you can't talk to him  
anymore, but you'll strangely see him again at the ending). Go onward  
to the next room. Go collect a blue rupee from the chest at the right,  
and get some magic power from under the pots (you'll need this magic  
the lamp). Go south and out the door.  
You're back outside! Cut away a few bushes and enter the castle through  
the main entrance, killing any guards you meet along the way.  
Now this is royalty! The whole castle is swarming with guards, so  
be prepared. Enter the door at the right side. Continue following the  
red carpet until you reach some stairs leading down with some statues  
the sides. Go down there into the Hyrule Castle dungeons.  
Murder the guard in the room and collect the key that pops out of him.  
Open the chest to get a map of the castle. You can press X at anytime  
see it. You your key to open the locked door and continue. This is a  
rather fun room. I like hitting the guards with the sword so that they  
fall into the bottomless pit. Bwa ha ha! Ahem -- continue through this  
straight-forward room and go through the door at the rop left.  
Kill the lone guard in this room to open up the doors. Head to the room  
at the right. Open the chest and you'll recieve the boomerang, one of  
favorite items. It stuns enemies and returns to you without using up  
magic. Try it out on this guard! Defeat him to get a small key, then  
return to the previous room. Use the key to go north through the locked  
door. Then keep going until you reach the large room of B3.  
Defeat the green solder. To defeat this semi-boss with the ball and  
chain, I suggest throwing pots at him. It's much quicker and safer that  
way. When he's defeated, get the big key and use it to open up Zelda's  
cell. Talk to her. When she's done bitching, she'll follow you back up  
to the first floor. Don't forget to get the rupees from that chest.  
Make the journey all the way back to the first floor. You'll know that  
it's the first floor when everything looks rich and royal again. Go  
around to the large room you were in when you first entered the castle.  
>From there, go up the stairs and north to the throne room. Go to the  
back of this room and Zelda will give you instructions to help push  
the left. Get to the left side and push it to the right to reveal a  
secret passageway! Get in there.  
This is apparently the sewer system. And it's pretty dark. You can't  
more than a few feet in front of you. If you really want the whole room  
to be lit up, use your lamp on the torch things in the rooms. Even that  
light will go out in a few seconds. Beware of rats and go down the  
stairs at the top right.  
Snakes! Get past them and go even deeper down the stairs. The door here  
is locked. Get the key from the chest at the right, then continue  
north through the door.  
After you get through the sewers, you'll be very close to the  
Be careful! Keep going, the door is at the north side of this room. In  
the next room, the door is locked...and the key is in one of the rats.  
Yeech. Defeat the rats until you find the one with the key, then  
continue through the door.  
Ahh...a fully lit room feels so refreshing after those dark sewers you  
just went through. But this is no time to relax. Push aside the blocks  
at the north side and continue up the stairs. Keep going until you get  
to the room with two switches. There's no real need to defeat any rats.  
The correct switch to pull is the one at the RIGHT. Walk up to it, hold  
a, then pull back to open the door. Don't pull the switch at the right  
unless you want it to rain snakes. Go through this final door and you  
will finally be in the sancuary.  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE FIRST PENDANT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
Zelda and the sage will tell you a lot of stuff about what's going on  
and what you should be doing next. The sage tells you to go to Kakariko  
Village to meet the elder there. Before you do that, open the treasure  
chest to get a whole heart container, bringing your total capacity up  
4 hearts. Now get out of the sanctuary.  
Hey, it stopped raining. Follow the first path south, then head west.  
Remember that you can always look at the map (press X) to check your  
position whenever you get lost. Right now you're going to the village  
at the west side. Follow the dirt path until you get there.  
There are a lot of things for you to do in Kakariko Village. I'll just  
discuss the important ones...  
Get a bottle:  
At the south side of the village there's a long vertically aligned  
house. This is some kind of bar. There's a back entrance to this house,  
even if you can't see it. Go in there through the back door. Toss aside  
the pot and open the treasure chest...there's a bottle inside! This  
be useful for storing all kinds of neat stuff.  
Get another bottle:  
In the village there's a merchant sitting on the floor selling a wide  
variety of goods. Well, actually, all he sells is bottles...and he only  
has one for the low low price of 100 rupees. If you have the money, get  
it from him! If not, just come back later.  
Get the bug catching net:  
In the center of the village, there's a house with a blue roof and  
bushes growing beside it. Inside, there's a sick boy in bed. If you  
a bottle, and only if you have a bottle, he will give you his bug  
catching net. This is useful for catching bugs or faries.  
Go to the elder's house:  
At the top of the village there's a long house with a red roof and two  
doors. Enter the door at the right. This lady here isn't the elder,  
although she is very old. This must be his wife. She tells you a bunch  
of stuff, but nothing useful at all. There's another boy in the village  
that watches over the chickens. He knows where the elder is, and he'll  
even mark his location on your map...  
Okay, that's all the important stuff in the village. Now it's time to  
meet Sahasrahla.  
Exit Kakariko Village from the south. Continue going south, then follow  
the dirt path going east. Continue going east...past your house...then  
go north across the bridge. Immediately follow the dirt path going  
then go up to enter the maze-like ruins surrounding the Eastern Palace.  
You should probably talk to Sahasrahla first. Make your way through  
these maze-like ruins to find his house (it should be marked with an  
on your map if you talked to that boy). After talking with him, you can  
bomb the wall at the back to find a secret room with a lot of rupees.  
Leave his house.  
Now go on to the Eastern Palace. It's at the north-east corner of these  
ruins. It should be easy enough for you to get to by yourself (meaning  
I'm too lazy to give you directions). Those statue guys that come to  
life, although they just seem to bounce off of your sword, can be  
defeated if you hit them enough. They can also be stunned by the  
boomerang. Now it's time to enter the first dungeon...  
First, pick up the pot in front of you, revealing a switch. Step on  
switch to open the door. Go ahead to the next room. Defeat these  
enemies and step on the tile that sticks out to open the doors.  
There are cannonballs coming out from the other side of the room.  
Occasionally, a hugecannon ball comes out. You need to go through that  
corridor moving left and right to avoid that cannonballs. When the big  
cannonball comes at you, hide in the little spaces at the sides. When  
you get to the end, you can take the path at the left to get to a chest  
and pots with LOADS of rupees! Then go back and exit the room through  
the north exit.  
Take the left path when you get to a fork. Toss aside the pots, hit the  
raised tile to open the door, and continue to the next room. Defeat the  
skeleton guys (a.k.a. Stalfos) if you want to, then go right on ahead  
the next room.  
Ack! Stalfos popping out of the ground! You need to kill all four of  
them to open up the doors again. I find it more convenient to throw  
at them. A single pot is all it takes to send them to the afterlife. Go  
north to the next room.  
The chest here holds the compass, absolutely worthless if you're using  
this FAQ. In the next room, you can use the triangle tile to contact  
Shahasrahla. Go on to the big open room. You can't open that chest  
unless you have the big key, which you do not, so just go on to the  
Soon you'll get to a circular shaped dark room. Those red bubble things  
are chasing you around, so don't waste time. You need to hit the switch  
to open the door at the right, then go in. One of the pots at the right  
holds a small key. Get it, and return to the previous room. Go around  
and use the key to go through the locked door at the left.  
Continue until you get to a room with red bubbly things spinning around  
a pot. You need to defeat every enemy in this room (besides the bubbly  
things). Defeat the two Tangela-like enemies, the two stalfos, and the  
cyclops. To defeat the cyclops, you need to wake him up and hit him in  
the eye. It takes a lot of hits, but he'll die eventually. Now that the  
red bubbly things are away from the pot, lift it to reveal the switch.  
Step on the switch to make a chest appear. Then open the chest to  
finally get the big key. Use it on the locked door at the top of the  
Push the block and continue up, then go right to be back in the big  
room. Now that you have the big key, open up the big chest to find...  
the Bow! Stalfos will drop from the sky and the heads will chase you.  
Quickly go up through the big door at the north side.  
Another dark room! Defeat the "Tangelas" to get them out of your way.  
One of the cyclopses has a small key. Defeat them and get that key. Use  
it to enter the door at the top-left.  
Throw away the bottom-left pot to reveal a switch, then step on it to  
open the door. Continue to the next room. Try out your bow and arrows  
these cyclopses. It only takes a single arrow to the eye to take him  
out. Hit the switch at the bottom, then proceed...  
Ahh! Cannonballs everywhere! Be careful and hit the upper-left switch,  
then go on. Kill both of the stalfos and the red cyclops (you need two  
arrows for him).  
Kill all six "tangelas" and the two red cyclopses. Perhaps it would be  
easier and safer if you brought them down and seperated them before  
attacking. If you need supplies, check the pots all around the room.  
If you're all set, go to the next room for the boss: ARMOS KNIGHTS. See  
the boss section for all the juicy erotic details about defeating them.  
After the battle, get the heart containter and the pendant of courage.  
Two pendants remain! You are transported out of the Eastern Palace...  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE SECOND PENDANT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
Before anything else, you should return to Shahasrahla's house. (note:  
now you can kill the Armos statues with a single arrow). Now that you  
have the pendant of courage, he will give you the very useful pegasus  
boots (hold A for a short while to use them). He also tells you more  
about "the legend". Now it's time to get to book of Mudora.  
Get out of the Eastern Ruins and go all the way back to Kakariko  
(I'm sure you remember the way). In the area a little bit south of the  
village, there's a house with a book above the door. This is the  
library. Go inside...  
See that green book on top of the shelf? That's the Book of  
you can't reach it! It's wierd how such a simple problem like this can  
become so hard to solve in the game. Ram into the shelf with your newly  
aquired Pegasus Boots and it wll drop to the floor. Yahoo! Now you have  
all the items you need to get through the Desert Palace.  
Now it's time to go to the second dungeon. Go to your house (you know  
where your own home is, don't you?), then go straight south from there  
to a swampy grassy place. From there, head west until you get to the  
desert (you'll know it's the desert because there's sand, duh).  
Go through the desert and avoid the enemies (or fight them if you want,  
I don't care either way). Keep going until you reach a big dark-green  
platform that is the entrance to the desert palace. It's found on your  
map. There's an ancient Hylian inscription on the stone slab in the  
middle. You can't read it normally, so you need to use the book of  
Mudora to translate. "To open the way to go forward, make a wish here,  
and it will be granted". Link makes his wish and miraculously, the  
heads move around, uncovering the entrance. Go right ahead to enter  
second dungeon, the Desert Palace...  
Go up until you get to a laser-eye statue. This statue has an eye that  
goes around it, and a laser shoots out of the eye when it's facing you.  
Be careful around him...a hit from that laser takes away an entire  
heart! Toss aside the pots at the left and continue through the north  
Be careful around these enemies, defeat them if you want. Throw away  
pot at the top center to reveal a switch, then step on the switch to  
make a chest appear, then open the chest for the map. Go back down to  
the large room.  
Go the the upper left corner of this room, then go through the north  
door. Be careful with the laser-eye statue! To get that key on the  
torch, ram into it with the pegasus boots. Collect the key and return  
the previous room.  
Go around to the left side of this large room and use your small key to  
enter the locked door. In this room, kill all the enemies (except for  
Mr. Laser-Eye) to open the door. Get the compass from the chest, then  
continue on to the next room. It can be a little tricky to get past  
those cannonballs shooting across the room, so be careful about that.  
Open the chest to recieve...the big key! Go back down (past those damn  
cannonballs again) until you're back at the large room.  
Go around to the upper-left corner of the large room, then enter the  
door at the left. Another laser-eye statue! Lift up the pot at the  
left of the statue to reveal a switch, then step on it to open the  
doors. Go to the next room. Open the big chest to recieve the power  
glove. This useful item allows you to pick up stones and other heavy  
stuff. Return to the large room.  
Go down to the bottom-left corner of the large room, then go left to  
next room. If you push the third block from the left, you can open the  
door and go north to a room full of fairies! I suggest filling up your  
bottles with them (catch them with the bug-catching net). If you're  
with them, go south to the outside...  
You can continue going south along the ledge to get an easy piece of  
heart. Then go north, to a cave surrounded by stones. Now that you have  
the power glove, you can pick up these stones and uncover the entrance  
to that cave! Go inside...  
This is the second part of the Desert Palace dungeon. Push the center  
block of the right group of blocks to open the door and continue.  
Magical tiles come out of the floor and start attacking you! Protect  
yourself from them by hitting them with the sword or just by getting  
of their way. Lift the pot in the bottom-left corner to get a small  
and use it to open the north locked door.  
Keep going. Once again, defeat all the enemies in the room to open the  
door. The next room is infested with those laser-eye statues. Be very  
careful around here. There's a key hidded under one of the pots. Find  
and use it to open the locked door at the north side.  
Here's another room with those crazy flying tiles. The key is hidden in  
the upper-right pot. Use it to go on to the next room. Now defeat this  
red cyclops with two arrows to his eye. A dead end? Nope. Use your lamp  
to light the four torches in this room. The whole wall moves aside to  
reveal a big door.  
Go through this door to face the boss: LANMOLAS. As usual, the details  
about them are in the boss section. When you're all done playing with  
them, pick up the heart container and the pendant of power. Only one  
pendant remains! You are transported out of the Desert Palace...  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE THIRD PENDANT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
I think right now would be an appropriate time to get the magic powder.  
The magic powder is a completely optional item that can come in handy  
very often in your adventure. If you already got the magic powder, you  
can skip this part.  
Go to the Lost Woods north of Kakariko Village. Look around the forest  
until you get to a mushroom squirming around. You can find it right in  
the center of the forest. Pick it up.  
Now exit the forest. Head east on the dirt path, passing the Sancuary,  
and cross the wooden bridge. Go north and follow the path until you get  
to a little hut with a witch standing by the entrance. This witch wants  
your mushroom. Give it to her by using it on her like an item. "Come  
back to the shop later for something good".  
Follow the path back one screen, then immediately come back and enter  
the which's hut. There's your magic powder. Pick it up! This is useful  
for making the red bubbly enemies turn into fairies, and for doubling  
you magic capacity later in the game.  
Your next task is to get the flippers.  
Go to the north-east part of Hyrule until you reach the Witch's Magic  
Shop. Pass that and you'll find a huge rock blocking your way. No have the power glove, remember? Pick it up with the A  
button and toss it aside. When you get to a bunch of green rocks  
blocking the path, dash into them with the pegasus boots.  
Keep going on the path until you reach the water area. Then go north to  
reach the Zora's Waterfall area. This place is infested with little  
Zoras that shoot fireballs at you. Be careful. Since you don't have the  
flippers yet, you can only stay on shallow water.  
When you reach a fork in the path, go north. When you get to another  
fork, take the lowest route. Continue until you reach a big waterfall.  
*rumbling sound*. Introducing......King Zora! Tell him you want the  
flippers. This capitalist bastard isn't letting them go for free.  
need to pay a whopping 500 RUPEES! That's a lot of money, but you'll  
need to pay up. These flippers allow you to swim in deep water.  
Before you leave this place, look around for the piece of heart.  
Now keep going south until you reach the land. But first, go to the  
small waterfall at the top-left. You can go inside it to find a cave!  
When you get close to the pool of water you'll be asked if you want to  
throw something in. Say yes, and throw in the boomerang. A fairie  
appears! When she asks if you were the one who threw in the boomerang,  
answer yes. Because you're an honest person, she'll give back an even  
better one. The red boomerang can reach all the way across the screen!  
Next, throw in your shield. Do the same process and the fairie will  
you the red shield. This one can protect you from fireballs.  
Now it's time to head for the third dungeon of the Light World: The  
Tower of Hera. From Kakariko Village, head north-east around the edge  
the Lost Woods. After you pass a V-shaped group of trees, there's a  
that reads "Do not enter Death Mountain without the King's  
Toss aside the large green stone there and enter Death Mountain.  
Ack! It's dark again! Drop down the ledge and go right until you meet a  
lost old man. He's going to go with you up Death Mountain. Go right to  
the next room. Make your way through this room and listen to what the  
old man's has to say.  
When you get outside, go right until you reach a little cave. You'll  
leave the old man here...and he gives you the magic mirror! If you ever  
need to refill your hearts, come here and talk to the old man to have  
your energy restored. You also get the option to start here when you  
turn on the SNES.  
Continue going right, then up the ladder. When you get to a cave,  
it and go left. Take note of the next cave you get to. Whenever you  
to go back down the mountain, you go through this cave. Now go up this  
tall ladder.  
Go right, past the cave, until you get to a wierd looking warp. There  
are a few warps like this hidden all around Hyrule. Entering them  
you into the Dark World. The Dark World is a sort of parallel universe  
to the normal world. This world is ruled by Ganon and infested with  
powerful monsters. To go back to the regular world (a.k.a. Light  
use the magic mirror that the old man gave you. But you cannot use it  
go to the Dark must use the warps to enter the Dark World.  
So enter that warp. Since you do not have the Moon Pearl, which allows  
you to retain your regular form in the Dark World, you have turned into  
some kind of rabbit. When you are in the Dark World, you change into  
what is truly reflected in your heart and mind. Apparently Link is a  
rabbit at heart.  
Go left and stand in the Light colored floor where Spectacle Rock used  
to be. Use the magic mirror there to go to the Light World, and you  
should be standing on top of that rock. Collect the piece of heart and  
drop down at the other side.  
Now go right a little bit and climb the steps to enter the Tower of  
Here's the 411 on those crystal orb thingys: All around this dungeon  
(and many other future dungeons), there are crystal orbs. When you hit  
them with the sword or boomerang, the blue and orange barrier blocks  
will rise and fall. The orb also changes color to show which blocks are  
Okay, so hit the orb to make the blue blocks fall. Then go down the  
stairs at your left. Defeat the enemies here if you want. Hit the orb,  
get the small key, and hit the orb again to raise the orange blocks. Go  
back upstairs.  
Hit the orb to lower the orange blocks, then go north. Open this chest  
to get the map. Go downstairs through the locked door at the top-left.  
Here's more of those flying tiles. Guard yourslef from their attacks  
until they're all done. Hit the crystal orb to lower the blue blocks,  
then continue to the next room. Hit the orb (lowering the orange  
and go south to the next room. Defeat the stalfos here if you want,  
light all four torches with your lamp. Open the chest that appears to  
recieve the big key. Go north, hit the orb, go west, hit the orb, and  
return to the second floor.  
Now go upstairs again to the third floor. These enemies are a little  
tricky to beat. You'll bounch off of them when you try hitting them  
the sword. Be careful not to fall into the holes (you will return to  
first floor if you do). It takes three hits to kill them. Defeat them  
all in this room to open the doors, then continue to the next room.  
Notice that star symbol on the ground? When you step on it, the holes  
the floor change position. Make your way through this room and through  
the big door at the top. Also make your way through the next room,  
hitting the star symbols whenever necessary. Continue upstairs to the  
fourth floor.  
Open the small chest in the center of this room to get the compass. Go  
up the stairs at the top-left to go to the fifth floor.  
Now hit the star symbol beside the turning fireball thingy so that a  
hole appears in the middle near the top of the room. Drop into this  
*from the north* so that you will fall to the fourth floor...right in  
front of the big chest! Open it to recieve this dungeon's treasure: The  
Moon Pearl. Hit the star and go back up to the fifth floor.  
Now go up the stairs at the top-right of this room to face the boss:  
MOLDORM. Check the boss section for details, blah know the  
routine. When you're done sending him to the afterlife, get the heart  
container and the pendant of wisdom. You have all three pendants! You  
are transported out of the Tower of Hera...  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BATTLE WITH AGAHNIM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
Go south and drop off the ledge, then go left. Climb down the tall  
ladder and enter the cave right beside it. Go through this simplistic,  
linear cave until you reach the outside again. Drop off the ledge to  
Go north, passing the two lumberjacks, and east to enter the Lost  
Go in the general direction of north west. There are a lot of fake,  
imitation Master Swords in the woods. But don't be fooled, there's only  
one true Master Sword.  
At the north-west corner of the woods, you'll come to a peaceful  
clearing with animals and birds. There's the Master Sword. At this  
point, I traditionally read the ancient Hylian inscription with the  
of Mudora. "The Hero's triumph on cataclysm's eve wins three symbols of  
virtue. The Master Sword he will then retrieve, keeping the knight's  
line true". Stand behind the sword and pull it out.  
Shahasrahla contacts you telepathically. After chatting with him, let's  
go leave this forest. But as you leave, another message comes. This  
from Princess Zelda. She's being kidnapped! Get to the Sanctuary  
immediately! (you know how to get there, don't make me spell it out for  
At the Sanctuary, you find Zelda gone and the Sage lying on the floor.  
Seems like you came a second too late. The soldiers came and took Zelda  
to the castle. Now you'll need to go back to the castle, where our  
adventure began. This time, you can go in through the front door...  
Upon entering Hyrule Castle through the main entrance, go through the  
door at the left side. Then go up the stairs and out the door to the  
outside roof of the castle. Go right a little bit to find some kind of  
magical barrier protecting the door. Your mighty new Master Sword can  
get rid of this thing in a single blow. Let's proceed...  
Take note that a beam of energy comes out of your sword when you have  
full hearts. That's why it's especially useful to have full life and a  
constant storage of fairies in your bottles.  
Go straight through the first room. In the next room, defeat the two  
guards to open the doors, then continue. Now defeat the two guards to  
make a chest appear. Open it for a small key, then use it to open the  
locked door and go on to the third floor.  
I hate dark places. Go through this room through the door at the left.  
The next room is a maze. You should light the torches with your lamp to  
get a better view of things. Look around for the chest with the small  
key, then use it to get through the locked door at the bottom-right  
corner. Annahilate these guards and go up the stairs to the fourth  
Still dark. Defeat these two guards (if you want). It's help ful to  
one of them with the boomerang so you'll be free to fight the other  
Get through the next room, careful not to fall into the pit. Kill the  
guards in the next room to find a small key, then use it on the locked  
door to go upstairs to the fifth floor.  
Light at refreshing! Defeat everyone in this room to open up  
the doors, then continue. Repeat the process for the next room. The  
guard in the center of the next room holds a small key. Defeat him to  
get it, then use it to proceed to the next room. You can just ignore  
three guards here and go upstairs to the sixth floor.  
Move aside the statue and go ahead. Everything is really linear from  
here on. In the next room, carefully walk over the narrow strips of  
and go upstairs to the seventh and final floor...  
In the next room, you finally meet the man you have heard so much  
Agahnim...and the princess! "Behold! The last moment of Princess  
He makes Zelda disappear, then goes behind the curtains. Ha! What a  
place to hide! Cut down the curtains and follow him.  
Now it's time to fight. I consider him to be a boss, so go check out  
boss section for details on defeating him. After he is defeated, he  
use his last ounce of energy to draw you into the Dark World...  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE FIRST CRYSTAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
Shaharsala contacts you telepathically and tells you where you are and  
what you should be doing here. As he mentioned, this is the Dark World,  
the same place you were when you went into that warp on Death Mountain.  
You can use the magic mirror at any time to return to the Light World.  
Your goal in the Dark World is to rescue the 7 maidens who are trapped  
in 7 crystals that are hidden in 7 dungeons. The first one is the  
of Darkness, and it's marked on your map. That's where you should go  
Drop down from the pyramid and go east. Continue until you get to the  
place where the Eastern Palace ruins used to be in the Light World.  
the place is filled with bushes and plants that form a huge maze.  
Upon entering this area, go right and follow the dirt path until you  
come to a big arrow pointing at the bushes. Go inside them and come out  
at the other side. You can just barely make out where you are when you  
are under the bushes.  
Continue on the path until you reach another entrance into the bushes.  
Do NOT go inside there. Instead, continue left through those bushes. Go  
up and right again. Enter the large mass of bushes, make your way  
through them and emerge at the right side. If you went the right way,  
you'll have a monkey following you! This is a rupee-loving monkey, so  
give him 10 rupees to follow you.  
Keep going until you reach the Eastern Palace at the northeast corner  
this area. The entrance is closed, but Kiki will open it for you for  
low low price of only 100 rupees. You really don't have any other  
choice, so pay up and get in...  
A word of warning before you begin: The dungeons you faced in the Light  
World are nothing in comparison to what lies ahead in the Dark World  
dungeons. If you found the previous dungeons difficult, prepare to be  
Upon entering the dungeon, take the left path. Step on that raised tile  
to open the door, then proceed to go north, then continue downstairs to  
the basement. Be careful to avoid the fireballs here! Lift the pot  
(actually, a skull) at the bottom left corner, then step on the switch  
under it to make the chest appear. Open the chest for a small key.  
Return upstairs. Raise the upper left skull to reveal a switch, then  
step on it to open the door. Go south to the room where you began.  
Now take the right path. Step on the switch to open the door, then go  
to the next room. Go straight through this room to go downstairs to the  
basement. Enter the orange warp and you'll be transported to another  
part of the dungeon. Dash into the south wall of this room to collapse  
it, then go inside. Be careful around these jellyfish-like monsters,  
they can shock you. Dash into the wall at the end and continue to the  
next room.  
These enemies can be a huge pain in the ass to defeat. They mimic your  
every move. Easily defeat the two green ones with a single arrow to  
each. The red guy is much harder, he shoots fire at you if you face him  
directly. So what you need to do is shoot at the space *beside* him,  
then quickly move to the side a bit so that the arrow hits him. The  
opens when they're all defeated. Proceed to the next room.  
Make your way over the moving floor, and be careful not to get hit by  
the spikes or jellyfish. Go upstairs at the end.  
Open the chest for the map. Bomb open the crack in the left wall, then  
go inside and open the chest for a small key. Return to the previous  
room. You can bomb open the crack in the right wall, then go inside for  
a few fairies. Now backtrack your steps all the way to the entrance  
of the dungeon.  
This time, go north through the middle door. Use one of your keys to  
continue north through this locked door. Avoid the jellyfish and the  
turtle-like enemies. Take the left path until you get to a section of  
the floor that is cracked. Use a bomb to destroy it, then fall inside.  
Use your last key to enter the locked door and go upstairs. And inside  
this chest is...the big key!  
Drop off the ledge to the right. Pick up the skull at your left and  
on the switch beneath it to make a chest appear. At this point, four  
stalfos guys drop from the sky and their heads attack you. Skillfully  
avoid them and open the chest for a small key. Now go in the orange  
You're here again. Go upstairs and take the center path again to get  
back to where you were before. This time, take the right path. Push one  
of the blocks into the pit and continue north to the next room. Open  
chest here for a small key. Now go to the arrow tile on the floor and  
drop down to the next lower floor. Go up the stairs, left, then up  
through the locked door.  
You need to be quick here. Toss aside a pot and dash through the room  
before the floor crumbles beneath your feet. When you reach the other  
side, go left through the locked door.  
This room is a maze...and it's dark too. There are no torches to light,  
so you'll need to rely on the weak light in front of you. Kill those  
fire breathing enemies to get them out of your way. There's a chest in  
the top-left corner with some bombs. Go to the chest in the bottom-  
corner to get a small key. Make your way to the east wall where you'll  
find a crack. Use a bomb to open the crack, then go inside. Open this  
huge chest to find a tiny hammer inside. Now return to the maze room,  
get through it and exit through the regular door.  
Now go through the right door. Open the chest to get the compass. Now  
down one of the stairs (they both lead to the same room). Rupees  
galore! There's a total of 180 rupees here. One of the chests at the  
bottom of the room has a small key, and the other has a single pathetic  
arrow. Be sure to pick up the key, then go back upstairs. Go south  
through the locked door.  
To get past those spikes easily, lift the left skull and pass at the  
left side. Open this chest for 5 rupees. Push the statue right and  
continue south.  
Now you are back in this room. Use the arrow tile to drop down to the  
platform with all these bouncy enemies. Defeat all these enemies by  
pushing them into the holes at the side (just to get them out of your  
way). Go south and you should be able to see a crystal orb across the  
pit. Hit it with the boomerang to lower the blue barrier blocks. Now go  
to the next room at the right.  
Hit the crystal orb. Go to the upper right corner of this room and get  
rid of all the pots. The switch to open the door is under the pot at  
very corner, but it won't stay down! You need something heavy to hold  
it push the upper right stone statue so that it stays on top of  
the switch to keep it down and hold the door open. Then go upstairs and  
through the door.  
It's another group of these annoying bitches. Defeat them just like you  
defeated the other group, then go on.  
Be careful to avoid the moving spike, and go to the right side of the  
room where you'll find a green cyclops statue. There's something  
suspicious about it... Shoot and arrow into it's eye to make the wall  
the right move further, revealing a stairway! Go downstairs...  
Bash these "Digletts" into the ground with your new Magic Hammer. You  
can kill the turtle-like monsters by flipping them over with the  
then slashing away with the sword. Stand at the left side of the  
orange barriers, then hit the crystal orb with the boomerang. Open the  
locked door and go left to the next room.  
Get rid of this turtle and continue. Ack! A whole army of turtles! I  
suggest lighting the torches so you can see better. These guys can be  
really though to defeat. When they are all gone, go to the next room.  
Push aside the upper-right block so you can enter the orange warp. Make  
your way on this path, defeating any evil turtles you come by.  
If you're ready, go through the big door to face this dungeon's boss:  
KING HELMASAUR. Details are found in the boss section, as usual. After  
defeating him, pick up the heart container and get your first crystal.  
There are 6 more crystals to go. May the way of the hero lead to the  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE SECOND CRYSTAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
Now that you have the Magic Hammer, you can explore almost all of the  
Dark World. Now would be the perfect time to get the flute...  
There is an area on the land at the north-west of Lake Hylia where you  
find nine purple pegs sticking out of the ground. Bash them into the  
ground with the hammer so you can pass through.  
Continue going left on the dirt path...past your house (which is now a  
bomb shop, by the way)...until you get to the center of a grove of  
where there used to be a boy playing the flute in the Light World. Now  
there's just a wierd armadillo guy. This is actually the flute boy. He  
wants you to find the flute for him. Talk to him and get the shovel.  
the magic mirror to go the light world.  
He said he buried it with some flower seeds. By now those seeds have  
grown into flowers. Use the shovel to dig into the flowers at the upper  
left corner. After you find the flute, get it and go back to the Dark  
Talk to the armadillo man again. Since he can't play it anymore, you  
keep it. Play it in front of him one last time and he will turn into a  
Use the Magic Mirror to go to the Light World, then go to Kakariko  
Village. The flute boy's father is asleep in the bar, you can play the  
flute to him if you want to. Go to the chicken statue at the center of  
the village. Play the flute in front of it. Behold, the rooster is  
It looks more like a duck actually. Now you can play the flute anywhere  
in the Light World and this duck can transport you to any of 8 points  
the map.  
Return to the Dark World. Go to the Dark World's equivalent of the  
"Swampy Marsh Place" (the swamp area south of the bomb shop). Go to the  
structure at the south of this area, then use the magic mirror to go to  
the Light World.  
Enter the structure. Push the blocks aside and proceed to the next  
Pull the switch at the right to open the gates and release the water.  
Now go back outside.  
Enter the sparkling transporter, then enter the structure again.  
to the second dungeon of the Dark World: The Swamp Palace.  
If you did everything correctly, the canals should be filled up with  
water. If they're dry, see the steps that I gave in the paragraphs  
Hop into the water, swim left a little, and climb up to dry land. Get  
past the spike thingy and defeat the three enemies in the water to make  
a chest appear. Open it for a small key. Use it to get past the locked  
Now downstairs, go to the little strip of dry land at the left. Bomb  
cracked wall and go inside. Open the chest to get this dungeon's map!  
Return to the previous room. While you avoid the fireballs from the  
statue, lift the pots (skulls) until you find a small key under one of  
them. Then go through the locked door at the bottom-left.  
Make your way past these monsters and go down the stairs. Head straight  
forward to the next room, then lift the skull-pot to find a small key.  
Return to the previous room, go up the OTHER stairs, and through the  
locked door. Bash the Digletts with the magic hammer, then push the  
switch from the right side. This releases the water and fills up the  
canal! Go to the south room, hop into the water, and climb up at the  
left. Continue to the next room.  
Climb down the stairs and go down to the south room. Go right and  
the path around. Be careful to avoid those orange lose  
TWO hearts for touching them. Ouch! Push the block right to make a  
appear, then open it for the compass. Return north to the large room.  
Climb the stairs at the south-west corner and go through the door. Deja  
vu? No, this is a completely different room. Climb downstairs and head  
forward to the next room, then lift the skull-pot for a small key.  
Backtrack to the large room.  
This time, climb the stairs at the north-west corner and enter the  
locked door. Hit the crystal orb from over the wall and push the switch  
to release the water. Now hit the orb AGAIN to raise the blue blocks.  
east to the large room.  
Climb the south-west stairs once again and enter the door. Hop into the  
water, swim left a little, then climb onto dry land. Go through this  
door. Climb down the stairs. Now you need to push aside these blocks so  
you can pass through. First push the bottom block left, then push the  
center block up. Now proceed up the stairs to the first floor.  
Push aside the block. Be careful, there's a lot of enemies in this  
At the RIGHT side of the room, push away the block and drop into the  
hole. Go to the room at your right, then open the chest to  
Big Key!  
Go to the previous room and drop off the ledge. Make your way south, up  
the stairs, then go east until you reach the large room with the Big  
Chest in the center. Now that you have the Big Key, you can open that  
chest and get one of the coolest items in the game: the Hookshot. This  
item can grapple onto things and pull you towards it.  
>From the center platform with the big chest, you can see a platform at  
the right with a skull on it. Use the hookshot to get onto that  
platform, then lift the skull at the right to get a small key. Return  
the center platform. Now use the hookshot to get to the north platform  
(from behind the chest). Enter the locked door.  
Go left and lift the pot at the north-west corner. This switch holds  
door open, but you need something to hold it down for you. Push the  
statue onto the switch to hold the door open. But DON'T go in that  
door... instead, go around to the right side and enter the left door  
Go through this corridor and downstairs. Push the switch. This opens  
the drain and *empties* the water from the canal. Climb down the stairs  
and into the door. Then go north to a room with lots of waterfalls.  
Push the third block from the left to make a chest appear, then open it  
to find...20 rupees. Blech. Go to the right side and enter the second  
waterfall from the right. There's a passageway behind it. Continue  
upstairs...until you get to a room with a big pool or water.  
Immediately jump in the water, swim right and go to the place with the  
skull. Lift it up to get a small key. By now an enemy or two is waiting  
for you to return to the water. Try to avoid it, if possible. You can  
blow up the cracked wall and enter a secret room where you'll find  
hearts and other goodies under skull-pots.  
If you're all set, enter the locked door and continue to the next room  
where you will face this dungeon's boss: ARRGHUS. Head for the Boss  
Section of this FAQ for details. After you've defeated him, get the  
heart container and the second crystal. There are 5 more crystals to  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE THIRD CRYSTAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
Let's just go straight to the next dungeon, shall we? But to get to the  
next dungeon, you'll need to pass through the Light World. Use the  
Mirror to go to the Light World, then use the flute to go to Kakariko  
Village (map point #3). Now go into the Lost Woods through the north-  
west corner of the village. When you enter the Lost Woods, immediately  
go right and south out of the Woods. You should come to an area blocked  
off by a fence. Use your hammer to smash the pegs into the ground. Then  
pick up the rock to reveal a transporter! Enter the Dark World...  
Go north into the Dark World version of the Lost Woods. Follow the path  
right. When you reach the 3 skulls CONTINUE going right. Then go north  
and fall into the hole to enter the 3rd dungeon of the Dark World: The  
Skull Dungeon.  
[NOTE: In many places of the dungeon, a hand will drop down from the  
ceiling and try to grab you. If you get caught, the hand will bring you  
back to the place where you entered the dungeon. This can really be a  
pain in the ass, so try extra hard to avoid that hand!]  
>From the place where you land, go south. Toss away the three skull-  
and open the chest to recieve a small key. Now head for the upper-right  
corner of the room and go straight through the locked door. Get rid of  
the hardhat beetle by pushing him with your sword into one of the pits.  
Step on the star symbol to rearrange the pits, then open the chest to  
get the dungeon map. Go into the door at the left, then go south to the  
Just north of where you come out, there's a 3x3 square of bushes. Cut  
them down and drop into the hole in the center.  
You'll land in the center of a circle of pots. Toss them away (and kill  
that Helmasaur too). Step on the star symbol once to rearrange the  
Blow open the crack on the left wall with a bomb. Go inside. Just pull  
the switch here and...kablam! The entire south wall blows up! Go south  
to reach the big chest (can't open it yet, you don't have the big key).  
Use the hookshot over the pits to reach the other side. Then go outside  
once again.  
Go through the two tunnels of bones at the north-west, then enter the  
skull at the end to get back inside the Skull Dungeon.  
Defeat the two electric jellyfish and the two mummies (and watch out  
the falling hand!). Lift the pot in the center to reveal a switch. This  
needs something heavy to hold it down. You can move the statue at the  
right. Push it down a bit, then left, then PULL it back until it's on  
top of the switch. Then proceed to the next room. Annahilate this small  
army of enemies, then open the chest to get the Big Key! Return to the  
previous room and go back outside.  
Go through the two tunnels of bones again. Cut down the 3x3 block of  
bushes and drop into the hole in the center (again).  
Hit the star symbol only once, then go left through the hole you blew  
open in the wall. Go south until you reach the big chest. Now that you  
have the big key, open it and recieve this dungeon's treasure: the  
Fire Rod. Once again, use the hookshot to cross the pit. Go outside.  
Go through the two tunnels of bones yet again (this is the last time, I  
promise). Enter the skull.  
This time, go through the door at the left. Continue straight through  
this room to the next one. Lift the pot at the upper-left corner to  
a small key. Then go outside.  
Go through the *left* tunnel of bones and you'll get to some kind of  
skull of a monster. Whip out your fire rod and burn away its big nose  
reveal an entrance (it took me forever to figure that one out). This is  
another section of the Skull Dungeon. Go inside...  
Go down the steps at the left. There are paths and wall hidden under  
upper path, so it'll be confusing to get through this place. Make your  
way north and enter the door at the upper-left wall. Make your way  
through this room, avoiding the enemies as much as possible, and enter  
the door at the bottom. Open the chest for a small key. Now backtrack  
through the previous room and go back through the maze until you get to  
the entrance. Go north on the upper path and through the locked door at  
the end.  
Here's detailed instructions on how to get through this room: Step  
forward on the star symbol. Lift the pots, then go forward and step on  
the stars at the center of the room. Now step on the star at the bottom  
left corner. Go around (breaking the pots when necessary) and step on  
the stars to the upper-right of the center stars. Next, hit the star at  
the upper-right. And finally, you can exit the room.  
First, kill ALL of the mummies in the room. Also destroy the two skull  
pots. To open the door, you need to light the four torches, and the  
way to do that is with the fire rod. So light all four torches,  
from to bottom and working your way up. Then leave the room before one  
of the lights goes out.  
The next room may seem to be a dead end, but cut down the vines at the  
north wall and you'll find a hidden door. In the next room, defeat the  
enemies and you'll find a small key in the mummy. Open the locked door  
and proceed to the next room.  
Lift one of the pots and carefully slip by the spike trap. Then drop  
into the hole and you'll fall right in front of this dungeon's boss:  
MOTHULA. Go down to the boss section of this FAQ for details. After  
you've defeated him, get the heart container and the third crystal.  
There are 4 more crystals to go.  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE FOURTH CRYSTAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
Before you actually go for the 4th crystal, there's a few items you  
should get. If you already have these items, just skip to the next  
Use the Magic Mirror to transport to the Light World. Then use the  
and let the rooster bring you to map point #1 (Death Mountain). Climb  
all the way to the top of Death Mountain, just like you did when you  
were going to the Tower of Hera. Go to the left side of the Tower of  
Hera and cross that bridge to an island in the sky. Read the  
on the stone tablet with the help of the Book of Mudora. You'll hold up  
the Master Sword and recieve the power of Ether.  
Return to the Dark World. Go as far north-east as possible until you  
reach the very north-east corner of the map (the place that used to be  
the entrace to the Zora's Waterfall area). There you'll find a sign  
reads "Curses to anyone who throws something into my circle of stones".  
There's a circle of stones in the water to the left. Let curiousity get  
the best of you: Throw something into that circle. Some kind of catfish  
creature comes out and gives you the power of Quake.  
Still in the Dark World, go to the area south of your house (*cough*...  
the Bomb Shop). The area where the 2nd Dark World dungeon is. From  
there, go left to where the entrace to the desert should be.  
you'll reach a dead end and an area enclosed by stakes. Go inside that  
area and use the magic mirror. You should emerge in the Light World on  
top of a ledge. Go one screen to the left and read the tablet with the  
Book of Mudora. You'll hold up the Master Sword and recieve the power  
Use the flute to warp to map location #5. From there, go north on the  
dirt path. Continue until you reach a grassy area and a cave. There is  
clearly a bombable wall to the left of that cave. Use a bomb on it and  
go inside. Go forward to the next room, then open the chest to get the  
ice rod.  
Go to Kakariko Village in the Light World. Go to the Smithy Shop (the  
blacksmith shop, to the right of the Village). Go up the steps, right a  
little, and smash the peg down with the magic hammer. Now fall off the  
ledge and into the hole.  
Go north to the next room. Sprinkle some magic powder into the red  
stuff. This wakes up a bat. He will put a "curse" on you that  
cuts your magic power in half, but this is actually a good thing. Now  
only takes half the energy as before when you use magic. It's just like  
doubling your magic meter in Zelda: OOT.  
Use the flute to go to Kakariko Village (map point #3). Now go into the  
Lost Woods through the north-west corner of the village. When you enter  
the Lost Woods, immediately go right and south out of the Woods. Use  
your hammer to smash the pegs into the ground. Pick up the rock and  
enter the Dark World.  
Go south to the Village of Outcasts. In the place where the rooster  
statue was in the Light World, there is now a gargoyle statue. Stand in  
front of it and pull back on the pitchfork. It will vanish, revealing  
the entrance to Blind's Hideout. Before you enter, I suggest you fill  
your bottles with the red/blue potion from the magic shop (or with  
fairies). You will need it.  
This is a confusing place, so I'll try to make my instructions as  
as possible. Drop off the ledge to the lower area. Go north a bit, then  
open the chest at the left to get the map. Then continue north to the  
next room. The chest you see there contains a single red rupee. Staying  
on the lower area, go around and go to the next room to the right. Then  
go straight to the next room to the south.  
Go up the steps to the upper area of the room. Make your way to the  
treasure chest and open it to get the dungeon's compass. From that  
point, drop down to the lower level and go to the next room to the  
Open this chest and you will find the big key.  
Go to the east room, then go to the north room. Now climb the steps to  
the upper area. Make your way to the north side of this room and go  
through the door that requires the big key.  
Go north through this room (defeating any Stalfos along the way). Lift  
the skull pot at the upper-right corner to get a small key. Then go  
down and go left through the locked door to the next room. I try to  
avoid these enemies, a single touch from them costs you TWO hearts! Go  
straight through this room and on to the next.  
Defeat the cloud-like creatures in this room (just defeat the small  
and the big one will disappear as well). You can sprinkle magic powder  
on the red-bubble enemy to turn it into a fairy! Go left to the next  
room. Make your way north over the conveyer belt (against the current),  
defeating the enemies along the way. In the next room, get the small  
from under the skull pot. Hit the crystal orb, then carefully slip past  
the spike traps and go up the stairs.  
Lift the bottom-right skull to reveal a switch, then step on it to open  
the door. Continue on to the next room. Dash straight through this  
corridor and go through the door to the next room.  
The chest in the corner contains some bombs. Stand between the two  
wooden tables and face north. Place a bomb on the ground, pick it up  
(with the A button), and throw it forward. It should land on the cracks  
and blow open a hole in the floor, allowing light to shine down to the  
1st floor.  
Now backtrack all the way to the first floor. Go to the room with the  
long conveyer belt. From here, go to the room at the right (passing  
the lowered blue block). Zip past this room and continue to the room at  
the right. In this room full of conveyer belts, make your way to the  
north side and go down the stairs to the basement.  
Defeat ALL the enemies in this room to open the door, then go inside.  
south in this room over the conveyer belts. Be extra careful not to  
off into the sides or touch the enemies (you can kill the jellyfish  
afar with the hookshot). Go in the door at the right. Go straight right  
through this room and you'll reach some kind of prison. Walk right  
through all the locks (they don't require any keys) until you reach  
*appears* to be the dungeon's maiden.  
Doesn't this seem suspicious to you? This girl will follow you from now  
on. Anyway, take the small key from the chest and backtrack to the room  
with the long conveyer. This time, go through the locked door at the  
left. Quickly whip out your hammer and smash one of the "digletts" into  
the floor, then open the big chest to get this dungeon's treasure:  
Titan's Mitt. Now quickly get out of the room before you get trapped in  
the center. From the long conveyer belt room, go through the door at  
upper-right...then go up the stairs to floor B1.  
In the full-of-conveyer-belts room, lift the skull pot at the  
upper-right corner to reveal a switch. Then step on the switch to open  
the door at the right. Go inside.  
Go north to a seemingly empty room. There's light shining in the center  
because of the hole in the floor you blow open in the above level. Now  
let's think for a moment: This is Blind's Hideout, and you just picked  
up a mysterious girl from the basement. That girl is Blind the Thief.  
And do you remember what the person in the Light World said? "Blind  
HATES the light".  
Go forward so that the light shines on the girl. She transforms and  
reveals her true identity. It's this dungeon's boss: BLIND the THIEF.  
See the boss section of this FAQ for details. After you've defeated  
get the heart container and the fourth crystal. There are 3 more  
crystals to go.  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE FIFTH CRYSTAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
Go to the area a little bit south of the Village of Outcasts. You'll  
find a frog man trapped in a cage of heavy skulls. Now that you have  
Titan's Mitt, you can lift those dark skulls and free the frog. This is  
actually the partner of the guy in the Smithy Shop! Talk to him to make  
him follow you. Use the Magic Mirror to warp to the Light World, then  
to the Smithy Shop for a sweet reunion.  
Exit the house and enter again. Talk to one of them and ask him to  
temper your sword. At a price of only 10 rupees, they are being too  
kind. After giving them your sword, leave the house and go around  
Kakariko Village to pass the time. Then return and get your orange  
upgraded sword.  
After getting the level 3 sword, return to the Smithy Shop in the Dark  
World. There's a purple chest in the ruins of that house, but you can  
never open it because there is no key. Just take it with you.  
This chest will continue to follow you unless you dash with the Pegasus  
Boots. Use the Magic Mirror to transport to the Light World, then go to  
the entrance to the desert where there's a person standing beside a  
sign. This guy will open the chest for you as long as you promise not  
to tell anyone. Inside the chest is your 4th and final bottle.  
Go to the graveyard in the Light World (it's just to the east of the  
Sanctuary). At the upper-right corner of the graveyard, you'll find a  
tombstone in an area enclosed by dark stones. Now that you have Titan's  
Mitt, you can lift those stones. Most tombstones can be moved simply by  
pushing, but not this one. You need to dash into it (pegasus boots) to  
reveal a secret stairway...  
At the end of the underground room there is a treasure chest with the  
magic cape inside. When you use the magic cape, you become invisible  
invinsible...just watch your magic mater.  
In the Light World, use the flute and let the rooster bring to to map  
point #8 (south of Lake Hylia). From there, jump into the lake and swim  
to the island in the center of the lake, where there's a cave. Lift the  
heavy stone in the center to reveal a transporter. Enter into the Dark  
World. Then simply go down the stairs to enter the Ice Palace.  
-- ICE PALACE --  
[NOTE: You'll be using magic quite a bit in this dungeon, so I suggest  
you have at least one bottle of the green potion. Here's a neat trick  
do when you're low on magic: Freeze a monster with the ice rod, then  
smash him with the hammer...a magic jar comes out!]  
In the first room, the ice statue at the left comes to life an attacks  
you. Be very careful not to touch him because a single hit will cost  
FOUR HEARTS! Magic flames will protects you in this icy dungeon: Use  
fire rod to defeat him and open the door.  
The light blue tiles in this room are slippery to walk on. You'll be  
seeing more of them throughout this dungeon. Defeat the electric  
jellyfish to find the small key hidden in one of them. Then go down the  
stairs to B1. By the way, this dunegon goes all the way down to B7!  
Step on the tile at the bottom left and continue to the next room. In  
this cross-shaped room, push the block right and go to the south room.  
Quickly kill all the green ducks here with the magic of bombos (or you  
can kill them one by one if you want to conserve magic), then open the  
chest to get the dungeon compass. Return to the cross-shaped room.  
Push the block forward, step on the raised tile, and go on to the east  
room. More green ducks! Kill them if you want. Lift the lower skull pot  
to reveal a switch and step on it. Then go LEFT, back to the  
cross-shaped room.  
Step on the tile to open the doors. Push the block to the left, then go  
through the north door. Hit the crystal orb to lower the blue blocks.  
Now plant a bomb beside the crystal orb and go to the other side of the  
blue blocks before the bomb explodes. Use another bomb on the cracked  
floor to blow a hole in it. Then drop down to B2.  
There are two Stalfos that you need to defeat in this room. But the  
Stalfos can't be defeated with the sword alone. First, hit him with the  
sword to make him collapse to the floor. Then plant a bomb on him to  
finish him off. Defeat both of the Stalfos to open the door, then go to  
the next room.  
Carefully make your way through this room while avoiding the spikes.  
conveyer belt changes direction every few seconds. Defeat the blue  
jellyfish to find a small key in one of them. Make sure the crystal orb  
is colored red, then go to the next room. Simply get around while  
avoiding the fire chain. The switch to open the door is hidded under  
skull pot at the bottom left. Go down the stairs in the next room to  
reach B3.  
Again, defeat all the green ducks in the room to open the door (with  
help of bombos, if you have magic to spare). When you enter the next  
room, DO NOT MOVE. The big spikey ball will NOT hit you if you stand in  
the doorway. As the spikey ball moves back, go forward and into the  
at the left. Make your way around the fire chain and go down the stairs  
(it'll be hard to properly align yourself with the stairs due to the  
slippery floor).  
Now you're in B4. With the fire rod, defeat the two ice statues that  
come to life and a chest will appear. Inside you'll find some bombs.  
place a bomb in the cracked floor at the left to create a hole. Drop  
inside it and you will land right in front of the big chest. Too bad  
don't have the big key though :P Push aside the blocks and go right to  
the next room. Just ignore the ice man that comes at you and continue  
right to the next room.  
In this room with the slippery floor, lift a pot at the upper-left to  
find a small key. You might want to sprinkle magic powder on the red  
blubbly thing to turn it into a fairy. One of the pots here has a  
beneath it. Find the switch, open the door, and go south to the next  
Get past this room, careful not to slip off the sides of the land or  
the fire chain. In the room after that, lift the pot at the bottom-left  
corner to reveal a switch. Hit the switch to make a chest appear, then  
open it for a small key. Now go up the stairs and back to B4.  
Go through the locked door. Make your way through this large, dangerous  
room and go through the door at the upper-right. Use the hookshot to  
defeat the enemies and cross the wide gap in the next room. Carefully  
make your way through this room with the spikey balls, then go up the  
stairs to B3.  
You can cross the spikey floor in this room by using the magic cape.  
Don't forget to press Y again to take it off. You don't want to waste  
magic power! Lift the skull at the other side to reveal a switch, then  
step on it to make a chest appear. Cross the spikes again with the  
cape and open that chest for a small key. Cross the spikes yet again  
go up the stairs.  
Hammer the digletts into the ground and lift the giant block. Collect  
the small key and smash the other digletts with the Magic Hammer.  
under one of those pots is a switch. Step on it to make a chest appear,  
and get the map from the chest (it's about time!). Stand in front of  
stone statue and pull it's tongue. Yes, you heard correctly. Pull it's  
tongue to open the door. Go inside and go up the stairs to B1.  
Toss aside the pots and open the chest to recieve the big key. At last!  
Go back down the stairs. Pull the statue's tongue to open the door,  
go inside. Go down the stairs again to B3. With the help of the magic  
cape, cross the spikes. Then go through the locked door. Slip past the  
spiked ball and go through the door at the left. Go down these  
fustrating stairs once again to B4.  
Place a bomb on the cracked floor at the left to blow a hole in it  
like before), then drop inside. You're in front of the big chest once  
again, but this time you can open it to get...the Blue Mail! This  
fashionable blue armor cuts the damage you take in half. Push aside the  
blocks and go right to the next room.  
Now go north through the door that requires the big key. Go straight  
through this room and through the locked door to B6. Go straight south  
through this room. In the next room, there's a switch under the pot  
opens the door but it won't stay down. Go to the right room and hit the  
crystal orb. Then trace your steps all the way back upstairs (B5).  
Keep going until you reach the room with a hole in the center, then go  
right. Find the switch in this room then go south. Just keep going  
through the rooms until you reach the large room with a slippery floor.  
Lift the pot at the right to reveal a switch, step on the switch to  
the door, then go through that door on your left. Fall into the hole.  
Go one room right and you'll be in the room with a hole in the center.  
Push one of the blocks into that hole, then drop inside yourself. Lift  
the skull pot to uncover the switch. Now push the block over that  
to hold it down. The door is finally held open! Go south to the next  
At the left side of this room, toss away the two skull pots. Pull the  
statue out of the way. Then bash the digletts into the ground (with the  
magic hammer, as usual). Finally, lift the giant block to uncover a  
When you're ready, drop into the hole and you will face this dungeon's  
boss: KHOLDSTARE. Detals about this can be found in the boss section of  
this FAQ. When the battle is over, get the heart container and the  
crystal. There are 2 more crystals to go.  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE SIXTH CRYSTAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
There are no more items or sub-quests in between the two dungeons, so  
let's just go on to the next dungeon. Use the Magic Miror to transport  
to the Light World, then play the flute and go to map point #6 (south-  
west of the desert). With the help of your mighty Titan's Mitt, lift  
heavy stone at the right to reveal a transporter, then go into the Dark  
Now go north until you reach a structure where the entrance should be.  
There's a tile there with the symbol of Ether on it. Stand on that tile  
and use the magic of Ether there. The rainy weather stops and the  
entrance to Misery Mire arises. Go right ahead...  
Go forward and use the hookshot to pull yourself over the pit. Then go  
downstairs to B1. Defeat all the enemies in this room while avoiding  
lazer beams from the eye of the statue. The door opens when all the  
enemies are defeated...go inside.  
Climb down the steps and make your way through the room. Climb the  
at the upper-right and enter the door at the upper-right (not the  
one). Watch out for the fireballs that come out of the lamps here. Push  
the block to the side and enter the door that opens. Keep going forward  
on this straight path until you get to a treasure chest. Open it to get  
a small key. Now go back to the room with the block and two lamps.  
Time time, enter the door at the right. Lift the pot at the upper-left  
corner to get another small key. Now, with the help of the magic cape,  
lift the pot over the spikes to reveal a switch. Then open the chest  
that appears to get yet another small key. Go north through the locked  
Continue north through this room and follow the long path until you  
reach a large room with spikes. Go to the upper-left part of the room  
and hit the crystal orb (to turn it blue). Also lift the pot there and  
get the small key. Exit the room the same way you came in (through the  
east door). Continue backtracking until you reach the room with the  
spiked floor and stalfos.  
This time, go south through the locked door. Open the chest to get the  
dungeon map. Now go left through another locked door. Climb down the  
steps...then climb up the steps at the upper-left. Go along the path at  
the side of the room, then onto the wire grating floor. Lift the pot to  
reveal a switch, step on the switch, and open the chest for a small  
Now go through the locked door on the left wall.  
Kill the jellyfish enemy to get another small key, then go straight  
through another locked door. In the next room, the floor tiles will  
to life and attack you, just like in some previous dungeons. You'll  
need to avoid the fireballs. Light the four torches in this room with  
the fire rod, then go through the door that opens.  
Open the chest here to get the compass, then go TWO rooms south. You  
defeat the enemies in the room if you want. The pot in the upper-right  
corner has a big magic jar under it. Go up the stairs.  
In this room, you need to move the blocks so that you can get to the  
torches. Move the top and bottom blocks sideways, and move the center  
block up or down. Then do the same thing in the room below. Now light  
ALL four torches in the two rooms. You can just use the regular lamp to  
light them. There will be a long rumbling sound. When the rumbling  
stops, go east to the next room. Fall right into the hole...  
And you land right in front of a chest! Open it to get the big key. Go  
left to the next room and walk into the transporter. Then go north  
through the door that requires the big key. Go into another  
Now go right to the next room (ignore that big door for now). Then go  
two rooms south. Drop down the ledge, climb up the steps, and go into  
the room at the right. Now QUICKLY go around to the path in the center  
before it collapses. Keep going along that path until you reach the big  
chest at the end. Open it to get this dungeon's treasure: The Cane of  
Go left to the next room, then go two rooms north. Then go west into  
room with the big door. Climb up the steps and enter that big door. Go  
forward along this straight path and go down the stairs.  
Darkness. Try to avoid the fireballs coming at you from every  
Lift the pot at the left side to uncover a switch. This switch opens  
door...but it doesn't stay down! Use your newly-aquired Cane of Somaria  
to create an orange block, then push it over the switch to hold it  
Go through the door at the bottom-left.  
There's nothing special in this room, just go left to the next room.  
Make your way to the upper part of this room where there's a ring of  
conveyer belts. Hit the crystal orb in the center by using the  
boomerang. It should be color red now. Go through the door at the  
The orange blocks are lowered, but the blue blocks are raised! Use a  
bomb to blow up the crack in the north wall of the room. Go inside, hit  
the crystal orb, and come back down. Go left to the next room. Watch  
for the enemies falling from the sky in this room. Hit the crystal orb  
at the top of the room, then go up the stairs.  
Light at last! Go left and north through the big door to finally meet  
the boss of Misery Mire: VITREOUS. Details, as usual, are found in the  
boss section of this FAQ. When you're done with him, get the heart  
container and the sixth crystal. There's only 1 more crystal left.  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE SEVENTH CRYSTAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
Go to the Bomb Shop in the Dark World (it's the building that used to  
your house in the Light World). In addition to the regular blue bombs,  
there's also a special pink super bomb! Buy the super bomb for 100  
rupees. This bomb follows you behind you back until you press the A  
button or drop off a ledge.  
Go outside of the shop. Use the Magic Mirror to transport to the Light  
World. Now head for Hyrule Castle and use the teleporter at the gate to  
go back to the Dark World. Now you're in front of the big pyramid.  
the steps up the pyramid. See the big crack in the wall? Set the bomb  
front of that crack (press the A button) and get away. The bomb  
after 3 seconds, blowing a big hole in the wall. Go inside.  
Step forward towards the fountain and you will be promted if you want  
throw something in. This is just like that good fairy in the Light  
World! Throw in your bow and arrow...a fat fairy appears. Answer her  
question honestly and she'll give you something better: The Silver  
Arrows. These are stronger than regular arrows and you need them to  
defeat Ganon. Repeat that process with your sword to get the golden  
sword (lvl. 4).  
Use the Magic Mirror to transport to the Light World, then use the  
and fly to map point #1 (on Death Mountain). Follow the path and make  
your way up the mountain, just like you did when going to the Tower of  
Hera. After you climb the tall ladder, go right and into the  
Upon arriving in the Dark World, go straight down from where the  
transporter was and drop of the ledge. You'll land on another small  
ledge. Go inside the cave.  
Smash the three digletts with your Magic Hammer. Now use the magic cape  
and follow the path of spikes. When you get to the end, open the chest  
to get the final item to complete your collection: The completely  
useless Cane of Byrna. That trip over the spikes probably cost you all  
your magic power. So use a green potion if you have one, and make the  
return trip. Then exit the cave.  
Drop off the ledge and make your way back up to the top of the  
Use the Magic Mirror at the correct spot so that you'll emerge on top  
the big rock. Drop off at the other side and go right...past the Tower  
of Hera...past the bridge...and keep going until you reach a large rock  
with three pegs on top of it. Hammer the pegs in this order:  
To make the transporter appear, then go into the Dark World. THIS is  
Turtle Rock. There's a tile there with the symbol of Quake on it. Use  
Quake while standing on that tile. In a fantastic rumble, the turtle  
head transforms into a staircase! A staircase that leads you into the  
7th and final dungeon, known as Turtle Rock...  
Check the triangle at the left to recieve an important message from  
Shahasrahla. You will most likely need the magic potion in this  
dungeon... you will be using a lot of magic. I suggest that you have at  
least one bottle of the green or blue potion at all times.  
Toss aside the pots and stand in front of the little brown block with  
the question mark on it. Use the cane of Somaria on it to create a  
platform for you to ride on. There will be more stuff like this  
throughout the dungeon. Ride on the platform to the other side then go  
on to the next room.  
Use the cane again on the question mark to create another platform. Get  
on it and press right to start moving in that direction. The platform  
stops when it reaches the next question mark, so press up to continue,  
then get off at the next stop. Go right into the next room.  
There are in this room four torches, and you'll need to light all of  
them with the firerod to open the door. Use the cane to create another  
orange platform, then press down to start moving.  
The numbers at the left stand for the torches.  
3 | 2  
| .---|---.  
| | 4 | 1 |  
| '---' |  
When you are between torch 4 and 1, use the  
firerod to light up torch 1 at your right. Then  
when you're between 3 and 2, light up torch  
2 at your right. Then when you're above torch  
| |  
shoot the firerod down to light up 3 and 4.  
The door will stay open only while the torches are lit, so hurry to  
door and go north to the next room.  
Make your way through this room and avoid the spiky roller things by  
hiding at the sides. Open the chests at the end to get the dungeon map  
and a small key. Make your way back down to the previous room...then go  
left to the room before that.  
Create another platform and ride it up, then continue until you reach a  
locked door. Go through it and kill the enemy in the next room (be  
careful not to get hit by his bouncing body parts!). Collect the key  
continue north.  
There are two chain chomps guarding the next room. Be very careful  
around these guys: Every hit from them costs you THREE hearts! Standing  
at the lower part of the room (south of the tan barrier), hit the  
boomerang to hit the crystal orb and lower the blue barrier. Now push  
one of the brown blocks to the side. This causes a chest to appear! Use  
the boomerang again on the crystal orb, then collect the small key from  
the chest. Use this to proceed through the locked door.  
If you're running low on hearts (and you probably are thanks to the  
chain chomps), you can sprinkle magic powder on the "red bubbly things"  
to turn them into faries. Go around to the lower-right corner of the  
room, up the stairs, and go into the tunnel. You'll automatically go  
through to the other side. In the next room, go into the *right*  
Go into the next room.  
Avioding the red bubbly enemies, go down and hit the crystal orb to  
lower the blue barrier. Destroy the pokey (the brown bouncing enemy) to  
get a small key. There's an eye above the door that shoots laser beams  
at you if you look at it. Face left and hold your sword out. Now you  
walk through the door without facing the eye!  
Go through the tunnel in the next room. Open the chest and you'll get  
the big key! Go down into the next tunnel and proceed to the next room.  
Go into another tunnel, then fall off the ledge. Go up the stairs at  
bottom-right and go into that tunnel again. In the next room, go into  
the *left* tunnel this time. Defeat both of the pokeys to open the  
doors. Now head south...then left...  
Here you have FIVE laser eyes on the north wall! The 1st, 3rd, and 5th  
eyes will only shoot at you if you face then. The 2nd and 3rd eyes will  
shoot at you no matter what direction you're facing. Bomb the crack in  
the south wall and go inside.  
You're outside! Pass along the ledge and enter again at the right cave.  
Use the cane to create a bridge over the small gap, then open the big  
chest to get this dungeon's treasure: The Mirror Shield! Go through the  
north door into the next room. There, don't go left! Avoid the  
and head north through the locked door. Into the tunnel...and into the  
next room...  
Bomb the crack in the upper wall and go inside. This can be tricky:  
the spiky roller is at the right side, go up and use the boomerang to  
hit the crystal orb, and quickly go left to safety. Open the chest for  
small key. Use the boomerang again to hit the orb, then go north  
the locked door  
| | | |  
o----o----|----o----|----|--' | |  
| |  
'----o HHHHHHHH  
Here's a map to hopefully get you through the next room. I really hope  
it helps, because it took a lot of effort for me to make! You need to  
first make your way to the center platform where there's a pot. You can  
use the magic cape and turn invisible to escape getting hurt by the  
flames. Lift the pot at the center and step on the switch to open the  
exit. Then make your way to the lower left platform and go through the  
Go through this room and into the door at the south end. In the next  
room, go down to the bottom and go left on the last path. Your new  
Mirror Sheild will protect you from the lasers! Open the chest to get  
small key. Getting back on the main path is trickier: Face south and  
press B to hold out your sword. Since the shield is held up at your  
side, you can get back to the main path walking in this position. You  
can do the same thing to get the other treasures, but there's really  
nothing worth getting :P Go back up to the previous room, then use the  
key to go through the locked door.  
This maze room isn't very hard at all. Just use your common sence to  
through to the top of the room. Remember that you can use the boomerang  
to hit the switch from the other side of the barriers. Go down the  
stairs at the north side of the room.  
Lift the pots to get some magic jars to fill up your magic meter. Use  
the cane to creat a platform, then ride it to the other side. Behind  
this door is the boss of the Turtle Rock dungeon. You might need a  
potion for life or magic during this battle. Ready? Proceed through the  
door and meet Turtle Rock's boss: TRINEXX. Details are in the boss  
section below. When you're all done, get your heart container and the  
crystal. By the way, YOU HAVE ALL SEVEN CRYSTALS! Hell yeah! But  
still one more major obstacle to tackle: Ganon's Tower.  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GANON'S TOWER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
After you are warped to the entrance of Turtle Rock, just take the path  
west until you reach the huge glowing tower. Stand in front of it. The  
seven maidens in the crystals use their power to break the barrier on  
the Tower of Ganon. The blinking stops, the stairs appear. The entrance  
to Ganon's Tower is wide open...  
Go forward, down the steps, and go down the staircase at the right.  
the treasure chests for some arrows and bombs (rather cheap things to  
put in treasure chests). Lift the pot at the bottom-left to reveal a  
switch this switch opens the door at the right, but it doesn't stay  
So use the Cane of Somaria and create an orange block to hold it down.  
Then go into the room at the right.  
Ouch, this room is evil. You'll need to avoid the flying tiles, the red  
bubbly thing, the flashy thing that transforms you into a pig, the  
fireballs, and the grabbing hand all at the same time! I suggest using  
magic powder to get rid of the red bubbly thing. It will be really hard  
to escape this room unharmed, but you should at least try :) Aslo be  
very careful to avoid the hand, becuase he'll bring you back to the  
entrance if he gets you. When the tiles are finished attacking you, the  
chest will appear. Get the small key from it and go on to the room at  
the right.  
Go right and push the left block downwards. Then kill all the enemies  
the room: The mummies, the stalfos, and especially the two blue  
jellyfish near the bottom. Return to the top of the room. You need to  
use the fire rod and light all the torches to open the door at the  
side of the room. Start from the top and work your way down to the  
bottom. When that's all done, go into the south room.  
Defeat all the enemies. Now you will need to throw a bomb onto the  
conveyer belt where it will be brought to the crystal orb and explode  
lower the blue barrier. Do the same thing again, to lower the orange  
barrier (make sure you're on the left side of the blue barrier!).  
Continue to the next room.  
Open the upper-left chest to get the compass (and create a lot of holes  
in the ground...). The other chests just have a few rupees and arrows.  
Go into the warp portal.  
Go right over the conveyer belt and step on the star. Make sure you  
when you get to the star or else you will fall into the hole! Step on  
the next star, then lift the pots at the top to find a small key. Then  
continue stepping on the stars and going right until you reach the next  
*Quickly* cross that narrow "bridge of danger" because soon it will  
start collapsing. The magic cape will protect for from all those  
so you can easily make your way through. Go into the door at the left.  
Pull the statue downwards at the right side, then go around and step on  
the star. That creates a bridge over the gap, so you can cross it and  
into the warp portal...  
Use the lamp to light the torch and make the invisible bridge visible.  
Cross it and go into the next room. There, go around to the north side  
of the room where there's a door. Go right a bit and you can see a  
at the other side of the gap. Light the torch with the firerod...and  
can see the large invisible path! Quickly take that path to the door at  
the upper-right corner. If the torchlight goes out, use Ether to make  
path visible for a moment.  
In the next room, bomb the crack in the lower-right floor to create a  
hole. Then fall inside to meet this dungeon's first mini-boss: The  
Statues. They're just the same as last time, but the floor is iced and  
slippery to give a little more challenge. If you have the silver  
they'll die with just one hit! After defeating them, go north.  
Open the chests to get some bombs...some arrows...and the big key! Go  
to the previous room, then go west, then upstairs. Push aside the right  
block then open the big chest to get the final item: The Red Mail.  
provides even more protection than the Blue Mail!". Go to the north  
room, then go back upstairs. [NOTE: You can continue exploring the rest  
of this floor if you want to find the map...but you probably won't need  
it if you're using this walkthrough :) ]  
Now go up through the center staircase to 3F. Get around to the left  
side of this room and push the upper block to open the door. In the  
room, you need to use arrows to defeat the two red guys to open the  
door. You can use the statue to block the spikey thing while you defeat  
Same thing in the next room: Defeat the enemies to open the door. Be  
careful to avoid the lasers from the eyes on the statues. Keep going...  
until you pass through the big door.  
Go down the steps, past the two spike traps, then hit the crystal orb.  
Defeat the two cyclops monsters to get them out of your way. Lift the  
pots at the back to reveal a switch, then step on it to open the door.  
Get up there and go to the next room...  
Cross this strip of land while avoiding the cannonballs. It's tricky,  
but it can be done. When you reach the other side, go up the stairs to  
A whole bunch of monsters! Defeat them all to open the door, then go on  
to the next room. Same consept there, defeat all the enemies (except  
statue) to open the door). And for the NEXT THREE ROOMS, defeat all the  
enemies to open the doors. Don't keep still for too long do you can  
avoid the lasers from the statues.  
Eventually, you'll reach the room where you'll fight the second mini-  
boss, the lanmolas (remember them? from the desert palace?). They  
very hard at all. I think it only takes two or three hits to defeat  
one. This time you'll need to avoid the fireballs from the thing at the  
bottom-left. After you defeat them, go into the north room, then up the  
stairs to 5F.  
Use Ether to reveal the invisible path. If you use Ether while all the  
wizards are visible, you'll defeat them all and the door will open!  
Hitting two birds with one stone. In the next room, be careful to avoid  
the lasers coming from the eyes on the wall. In the room after that,  
Ether again to defeat all the wizards and open the door.  
Dash across the path to get over it before it collapses. In the next  
room, throw away all the pots that are blocking the torches. You need  
light all the torches (prefferably using the fire rod) to open the door  
at the bottom of the room. Go up the stairs in the next room to 6F.  
Now you need to light the four torches with the firerod to make the  
open. You'll need to hurry up too because the floor will start  
disolving! First light the one at the lower-right, then the lower-left,  
then light the two upper torches. Proceed to the next room.  
Kill the enemies (preferably by throwing pots at them) to find a small  
key inside on of them. Us it to go to the next room. Now throw a bomb  
onto the conveyer belt so that it moves left and blows open a hole in  
the south wall. Carefully slip past the spiked traps and go on to the  
next room. Hit the crystal orbs to get to the center and open the chest  
for a small key. If you're low on energy, sprinkle magic powder on the  
red enemies to turn them into fairies.  
In the next room you'll have to face the third and final mini-boss of  
this dungeon: Moldorm. He's just the same as the Moldorm you faced in  
the Tower of Hera. Be careful not to fall into the pits, or else you'll  
have to make the journey back up here! After you defeat it, a chest  
appears on a south platform. Use the hookshot to pull yourself over  
there (it's just a red rupee in that chest). Go up the steps, push the  
blocks, and go into the door...  
This room is dangerous, use bombos to instantly kill all the enemies.  
Then make your way north and up the final staircase to the seventh, and  
final, floor.  
Follow the carpet. Behind this big door is the real boss of this  
dungeon. If you're prepared, go ahead and face the boss of Ganon's  
Tower: AGAHNIM. Yes, it's him again. See the boss section for details.  
After the battle, Agahnim's body falls to the ground, and out comes the  
evil king of darkness, Ganon.  
Ganon transforms into a bat and crashes into the pyramid at the center  
of the Dark World. You'll be brought there too, with the aid of the  
flute bird. To get ready for the fight with Ganon, I suggest you buy at  
least one bottle of green potion from the Magic Shop in the Light World  
(a bottle of red potion would be a great help too). You also need the  
silver arrows. Drop into the hole atop the pyramid to face the final  
boss: GANON. For the last time, check out the boss section for details.  
When Ganon is defeated, go to the light to meet the essence of the  
And the game is done.  
~ The End ~  
| 5) BOSSES  
Eastern Palace -- ARMOS KNIGHTS  
There are six Armos Knights for you to defeat. Apparently, they have no  
legs and are therefore forced to hop around. Their first movement  
pattern is hopping around in a circle (isn't that cute...). Just stay  
the bottom right corner, face up, and fire arrows at them like mad. It  
only takes three arrows to kill one of them (and you can also use the  
sword when you rin out of arrows). Next, they will form a wall and come  
hopping towards you, followed by more hopping in a circle. Just fire  
arrows at them with every oppurtunity you get. The last Armos Knight  
standing will get tough and turn red. He'll bounce at your current  
position, so never stay in one place for long. Keep shooting arrows at  
him and he's gone in just three hits.  
Desert Palace -- LANMOLAS  
The Lanmolas are large worm-like monsters that pop out of the ground  
go back inside. You can see where they will pop out because of the dark  
soil that appears. When a Lanmola pops out, stones fly out of that spot  
in 4 diagonal directions, so you should stay above, below, to the left,  
or to the right of it when it comes out. The only way to hurt them is  
hitting them in the head with the sword. I find it effective to charge  
up the sword, then to do a spin attack when you're close to the  
Lanmola's head. Remember to stay clear of the rocks that come flying  
out! It takes a while, and eventually the Lanmola will die. The last  
left is a little bit fly out in all eight directions,  
so you'll need to be even more careful to avoid them.  
Tower of Hera - MOLDORM  
The Moldorm is a giant worm-like monster that moves around randomly.  
Since you are fighting on a platform like this one, you need to be  
careful not to fall off. If you do, you'll go down to the fifth floor  
and need to come back and start all over. Hit weak spot is the tail, so  
you should go for it with the sword. Try not to hit any other parts of  
his body, because you will bounce off and you might fall off the  
platform. After hitting him five times, he goes really crazy and moves  
around much faster than before. One more hit is all it takes to defeat  
Hyrule Castle - AGAHNIM  
Agahnim is the wizard that has been making the girls disappear. He  
attacks by throwing energy balls at you. After that, he warps to  
position and does it again. The master sword doesn't hurt him directly-  
you need to hit the energy balls that come at you so that they bounce  
back to him! But be careful when he shoots a bunch of small blue balls  
at you, you just need to get out of their way. When Agahnim positions  
himself at the top-center of the screen, he's going to do a lightning  
attack so you better get out of his way! It takes around 6 or 7 hits to  
defeat him. (Note: Strangely, you can also use the bug catching net to  
deflect his attacks. Weird, eh?)  
Palace of Darkness - KING HELMASAUR  
King Helmasaur is just like the little Helmasaurs you see all over the  
dungeons. But this one is the king! In the first part of the battle,  
need to break open the hard purple shell that's protecting him. Keep  
hitting it with the magic hammer. He moves forward and backward. Don't  
hit him when he's moving towards you or you'll get hurt. When his tail  
shakes around quickly, he's about to try whipping you, so get close to  
his face to avoid getting hurt. Occasionally, a fireball comes out of  
his mouth, splits into 3 pieces, and each of those pieces splits into  
four fireballs. Be careful to avoid that. It takes 17 hits to destroy  
his purple shell. After that, hit his face with the sword to hurt him.  
He moves around much faster now, and he's a lot harder to hit without  
getting hurt yourself. The attacks of fireballs and tail whips  
After breaking his helmet, it takes about 9 hits to defeat him. I'm not  
sure exactly, I lost count :P  
Swamp Palace - ARRGHUS  
The Arrghus is a huge eyeball-jellyfish creature surrounded by small  
spongy balls. In the first part of the battle, you need to destroy the  
sponges. Stand at a distance from him and use the hookshot to pull one  
of the sponges to you. Then slash away with the sword to destroy it.  
Every few seconds, the sponges will form a wider circle and spin around  
fast. Be sure to keep your distance. After you've destroyed all 13  
sponges, it's time to destroy the Arrghus itself. Now that it's all  
alone, it leaps into the sky for a few seconds...then comes crashing  
down. It will try to land on you, so never stay in one place for more  
than a second. When it's bouncing around the room, hit it with the  
sword. Then it leaps into the air again and repeats the process. It  
takes 9 hits and he's completely defeated.  
Skull Dungeon - MOTHULA  
The Mothula is a big moth creature...but it's only half of the danger  
of the battle. You'll have so many obstacles and dangers around you  
it's hard to concentrate. The room's floor is moving in random  
directions, the spike traps are constantly moving across the room, the  
Mothula shoots fire thingys at you, and you'll also need to avoid the  
Mothula itself. I pray that you have fairies in your bottles, you'll  
need them! At first you should attack the Mothula with the fire rod,  
you're bound to run out of magic quickly. When you run out of magic  
power, just attack like crazy with the sword. The real challenge here  
avoiding the hordes of traps all around you. The spikes shake a bit  
before they move, but I doubt you'll even notice it since you're  
concentrating on the boss itself. There's not much more advice I can  
give you. May the force be with you.  
Blind's Hideout - BLIND THE THIEF  
Blind look's like the devil wearing a big pillowcase. At the beginning  
of the battle, Blind moves around at the top of the screen, stopping  
every few seconds to shoot a laser beam out of his eyes (watch the  
direction he's facing). After a while he'll move to the bottom of the  
screen. Hit him in the head with the sword to hurt him...then he'll  
shoot lots of little red fireballs out of his head. After 3 hits, the  
head will detach and fly all around the room with fireballs coming out  
of his head. Another head will grow on the body and the battle  
continues. Repeat the process...eventually you'll have two heads  
floating around the room and fireballs flying everywhere. It's complete  
chaos. This is my strategy: Bring the red/blue potion and slash at him  
like crazy, ignoring the fireballs and any damage taken. Hopefully he  
will die before you do.  
Ice Palace - KHOLDSTARE  
Kholdstare is a some kind of puffy pink eyeball that's initially frozen  
in ice. During the entire battle with him, blocks of ice will fall from  
the ceiling and split into 4 pieces upon hitting the ground. First, you  
need to get Kholdstare out of the ice by shooting fire at him (with the  
Fire Rod) 8 times. Then he devides into 3 eyeballs and they move around  
the room in random directions. Just slash away with them with your  
sword. The ice blocks will continue to fall from the ceiling,  
complicating matters. This may seem like an easy fight, especially  
compared to the previous two boss battles...until you realize that  
hit from the eyeballs costs you three whole hearts (and that would be  
six hearts if you're wearing the green armor)! Just keep hitting it  
the sword until all three eyeballs are destroyed.  
Misery Mire - VITREOUS  
Vitreous is a slimy eyeball that's surrounded by a lot of smaller  
eyeballs. At the beginning of the battle, the eyeballs will come  
bouncing towards you. This is a piece of cake: Simply hit them with the  
sword as they come charging at you. It's like they're inviting you to  
kill them. But watch out when the large eyeball become's white, it's  
about to do a huge lightning attack. Just move to the side to avoid it.  
Also be careful not to get hit by the small eyeballs, a hit from them  
costs you three hearts. After all the little eyeballs are destroyed,  
it's time to battle the big eye. He's not much of a challenge either,  
he just comes bouncing towards you like the small eyeballs. What a  
Take care of him just like you did with the smaller eyeballs: Use the  
sword. It takes 16 hits using the sword. It takes only 8 hits using the  
bow and arrows.  
Turtle Rock - TRINEXX  
Trinexx looks like a turtle with three heads. For the first part of the  
battle, you will be fighting the blue and red heads. The red head  
attacks with fire, and the blue head attacks with ice. Also, the floor  
turns to ice whenever the blue head attacks. You need to attack the red  
head with the ice rod to stun him, then slash like crazy with the  
He will only stay stunned for a short while, so you will need to stun  
him again after a few seconds. Repeat that process until that head is  
defeated. Then do the same thing to the blue head, except use the fire  
rod instead of the ice rood. When both heads are dead, the whol  
will *seem* to be defeated...but stand back because it's still alive!  
Now the shell is gone and it looks like the Muldorm from Hera's Tower,  
except this guy's weak spot is his flashing segment in the middle. Be  
careful, he really comes after you! Keep attacking the middle segment  
until he's completely defeated.  
Ganon's Tower -- AGAHNIM  
Yeah, it's the same guy you battled in Hyrule Castle. But this battle  
a bit different from the last one. At the very beginning, Agahnim will  
create two clones of himself. Keep your eye on the one in the center,  
that's the real one. All three Agahnims will be shooting energy balls  
at you, which you must deflect back to Agahnim (the real one). They'll  
also be shooting some blue balls that split up and hurt you. The real  
Agahnim flashes when the energy balls hit him, but the energy balls  
simply go through the clones. There's no way to damage the Agahnim  
clones, so don't waste your time trying. Fortunately, there's no  
lightning attack this time. After enough hits, Agahnim's body falls to  
the ground, and out comes Ganon.  
This is it. The final boss. At the beginning, hit Ganon with the sword  
at every chance you get. He will throw his staff around and teleport  
over the room. Just keep on hitting him while avoiding the flying  
After 6 or 7 hits, he will start creating fire bats that will fly at  
you one by one. The bats only fly in a straight line, so just keep  
moving and they won't get you. Continue hitting Ganon at every chance  
you get. Soon he'll reach the next stage: He stomps on the ground and  
makes the tiles at the sides fall down. Now you'll have to worry about  
not falling in the pits. When all the sides are gone, the room will  
dark and Ganon is now invisible. Watch out for the chains of fire that  
he sends flying across the room. Use the fire rod and light the two  
torches at the bottom to make Ganon visible again. Hit him with the  
sword to stun him. While he's blue, shoot him with an arrow (by the  
you need the silver arrows to hurt him). It takes three silver arrows  
to finally defeat him.  
Pieces of Heart are scattered all around the Hyrule. There are 24 of  
them in all. 12 in the Light World, 12 in the Dark World. You don't  
to get all of them. In fact, you can beat the game without getting any  
of them at all! After you get 4 pieces, you gain a whole heart  
1. KAKARIKO VILLAGE (Light World). Go to the north-west part of the  
village, just before the entrance to the Lost Woods. Drop off the cliff  
and into the hole. Get all the treasures and use a bomb on the upper  
wall (a crack is just barely visible). The treasure chest here holds a  
piece of heart.  
2. KAKARIKO VILLAGE (Light World). In the north part of the village, go  
in the house with a green leavy roof. Go downstairs and bomb the crack  
in the northern wall. Inside the chest in this next room is the coveted  
piece of heart.  
3. SOUTH OF THE VILLAGE (Light World). A little bit south of the  
village, there's a long house with a red roof. Inside, bomb the wall  
continue to the next room, then go outside. The girl there says she'll  
give you something good if you reach the goal in under 15 seconds.  
up and go through the maze! Reach the guy in less than 15 seconds to  
recieve a piece of heart.  
4. LOST WOODS (Light World). In the eastern part of the lost woods,  
there's a very curious looking 3 x 3 block of bushes. Cut them up to  
reveal a hole in the center. Drop down there are collect your piece of  
5. NEAR THE SANCTUARY (Light World). On a small cliff west of the  
Sanctuary, there's a bunch of light green rocks. Go there and dash into  
the rocks with the pegasus boots. Go down those stairs and open the  
chest for a piece of heart.  
6. SWAMPY GRASSY PLACE (Light World). South of your house is the  
grassy place", and there's a small structure there. Go inside. Push  
aside the blocks and go on to the next room. Pull the right switch to  
release the water, then go outside. There's the heart piece.  
7. DESERT (Light World). In the northeast part of the desert, go inside  
a cave. Follow the path until you get to a room with an old man. Use a  
bomb to blow open a crack at the south part of this room. Inside the  
chest is your precious piece of heart.  
8. DESERT (Light World). Exit the Desert Palace through the west exit,  
the continue going down and you'll find a piece of heart beside a  
9. ZORA'S WATERFALL (Light World). After meeting with King Zora, go  
straight south and fall down the water fall. Take the path of shallow  
water to the land where you'll find a piece of heart.  
10. DEATH MOUNTAIN (Light World). Climb Death Mountain to the very top.  
When you reach the cave to enter Spectacle Rock, do NOT enter it.  
Instead drop of the ledge so you can enter the cave below. Follow the  
path and you'll eventually get to a piece of heart.  
11. DEATH MOUNTAIN (Light World). Enter the warp at the top of Death  
Mountain. Go left a little bit and stand on the area where Spectacle  
Rock is in the Light World. Use that magic mirror there to go to the  
Light World, and you'll be standing on the rock with the heart piece.  
12. LUMBERJACK'S HOUSE (Light World). Northeast of Kakariko Village is  
lumberjack's house. At the beginning of the game, you'll see the two  
lumberjacks cutting a tree. After you beat Agahnim the tree will be  
colored an odd shade of green. Dash into the tree and fall inside.  
Follow the path to the heart piece.  
13. PYRAMID OF POWER (Dark World). It can be clearly seen at the east  
side of the Pyramid of Power. Drop off of the ledge at the second floor  
to get to it.  
14. LAKE HYLIA (Dark World). In the Lake Hylia of the Light World, you  
can see a heart piece on an island with no way to get to it. Go to the  
exact same place in the Dark World and you'll find a patch of shallow  
water. Use the Magic Mirror there and you'll be on top of the island in  
the Light World! Collect your piece of heart.  
15. NEAR THE BOMB SHOP (Dark World). From the bomb shop, go south-east  
until you get to the area just south of the Flute Boy place. You should  
find a circle of bushes there. Stand in the center of those bushes and  
use the Magic Mirror. The piece of heart is in the cave.  
16. VILLAGE OF OUTCASTS (Dark World). Go to the building with a picture  
of a chest on it. In this place, you can pay 30 rupees and open two  
chests. One of those chests contains a piece of heart. The position  
seems to be random, so you'll just need to get lucky.  
17. CEMETERY (Dark World). Go to the cemetary, east of where the  
Sanctuary should be. Go up the steps on the back wall. On that  
use the magic mirror. Enter the cave. Toss away the pots and bomb the  
wall at the back of the room. You'll find the heart piece in the next  
18. DIGGING GAME (Dark World). Go to the place south of the village  
where there was the "15 second race" game in the Light World. Now  
there's a digging game: For 80 rupeees, you get 30 seconds to dig for  
treasure in a field. If you play, you might dig up a piece of heart!  
(but it took me more than 10 minutes of digging before I found it)  
19. SMITHY SHOP (Dark World). Go to the place where the Smithy Shop  
(blacksmith) was in the Light World. You'll find a field with a lot of  
posts sticking out of the ground. Smash every one of them with the  
Hammer. Go down the stairs that appear and get the heart piece.  
20. SWAMP OF EVIL (Dark World). There's another cave just to the left  
the entrance to Misery Mire. Inside, push the blocks around to get to  
the chests. The one at the left holds a piece of heart.  
21. SWAMP OF EVIL (Dark World). Go to the upper-right corner of the  
Swamp of Evil (the area where Misrey Mire is). While standing on the  
land, use the magic mirror to transport to the Light World. Lift the  
stone here and go down the stairs. Push the blocks around to get to the  
Piece of Heart.  
22. DEATH MOUNTAIN (Dark World). Go to the place that used to be the  
entrance to Death Mountain in the Light World. The sign outside reads  
"I'll give a piece of heart to whoever wears the cape". Go in the cave,  
then go upstairs. Use the hookshot to pull yourself over the gap. Then  
use the magic cape to go through the bumper. The heart piece awaits on  
the ledge outside.  
23. DEATH MOUNTAIN (Dark World). While you are going through the Turtle  
Rock dungeon, there's a point where you exit and reach a narrow ledge  
outside. Go to the right door and use the magic mirror to appear on a  
ledge in the Light World. Go in the cave. Defeat the enemies to open  
door. Smash the 'digletts' into the ground. Open the chest in the next  
room for a piece of heart.  
24. DEATH MOUNTAIN (Dark World). A few screens to the east of Ganon's  
Tower, there's a cave with a big stone in front of it. Lift the stone  
to reveal a stairway, then go inside. Walk north to the end of the  
If you use Ether, you'll see an invisible path for a moment. Go across  
that path and into the door at the end. In the next room, go  
go outside. Use the magic mirror to warp to the Light World, right  
beside a piece of heart.  
| 7) ITEMS  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Y BUTTON ITEMS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
BOW AND ARROWS: old favorite. You first find the Bow and Arrows in the Eastern  
Palace. It can be used to defeat enemies, and some enemies can only be  
defeated with the arrows. There is a limited number of arrows you can  
carry. You can increase this amount my throwing rupees into the  
in the cave in Lake Hylia (Light World). Additionally, the regular  
arrows can be upgraded to silver arrows near the end of the game.  
You find the boomerang in the dungeons of Hyrule Castle at the  
of the game. It's a nice weapon for attacking enemies (it only stuns  
them), and it can also be used for fetching items like rupees in hard  
reach places. This can later be upgraded to the red boomerang, which  
stretches all the way across the screen!  
You get this item in the 2nd dungeon of the Dark World. I like to keep  
this equipped when I'm not using other items. It's primary use it to  
grapple onto distant objects and pull yourself towards  
when you need to get across gaps. It's also a decent weapon for  
enemies (just like the boomerang).  
Bombs can be found all over Hyrule. In chests, enemies, stores, and  
bushes. Lay it down on the floor and it will blow up in a few seconds.  
It's especially useful for blowing holes in walls or floors. You can  
usually see a crack in the wall if it's explodable. It can also be used  
for attacking enemies, but it's pretty ineffective. You can increase  
total number of bombs you can carry by throwing rupees into the  
in the cave in Lake Hylia (Light World). Don't forget to stand back  
the bomb explodes!  
You'll see a mushroom when you first go into the Lost Woods. There's  
nothing you can do with it right now. Bring it to the magic shop in the  
east. Give it to the witch there and she will brew up some magic powder  
for you. The magic powder doesn't run out as long as your magic meter  
isn't empty. Don't waste it. It can be used for a lot of wierd stuff.  
You find this weapon in the 3rd dungeon of the Dark World. It was a  
weapon in Link's Awakening where it didn't use up any magic power. In  
this game, a bit of magic is used up with each use of the magic rod, so  
don't overuse it. It's used for lighting torches. I wouldn't waste it  
enemies if I were you.  
This item is found in a cave east of Lake Hylia (if I remember  
correctly). Like the fire rod, it uses up some magic power. It turns  
enemis to ice when you use it on them. Here's a neat trick: Freeze an  
enemy with the ice rod, then smash him with the hammer. You'll get a  
magic jar!  
This is one of the three "magical medallions" in the game. When you use  
this one, the magic of the medallion sets off explosive forces around  
you that engulfs the enemies in flames. It uses up a LOT of your magic  
power, so I rarely use this for anything except for seeing the cool  
effects :)  
This is the second magical medallion. You'll need this to open up the  
entrance to the swamp dungeon in the Dark World. When you use it, all  
the enemies on screen are turned to ice in a spectacular light show. Of  
course, such an amazing display of power doesn't come for free. That's  
right, it sucks away at your magic meter.  
The third of the magical megallions. It is used to damage all the  
enemies on screen by seting off an momentus earthquake (duh, it's  
"quake"). It's also required to open up the turtle rock dungeon. Does  
use up your magic power? Hell yes.  
This is the first item you should get in the's in the chest  
your house as soon as you begin! This will be very useful for lighting  
torches in dark rooms to light them up. Warning, it does use up a small  
bit of your magic power. The firerod also lights torches, but the lamp  
can do it with much less magic used.  
This is quite a powerful weapon, but you need to be close to the enemy  
when you use it. It's mainly used for smashing pegs and those cute  
"digletts" in the palace of darkness. The turtle-like enemies must be  
flipped over with the hammer so you can attack their soft underbelly.  
In the Dark World, go to the grove of trees west of your house and talk  
to the wierd-looking guy that now sits on the stump. Get the shovel  
him and go back to the same grove of trees in the Light World. Dig in  
the top-left part where some flowers are to get the flute. Return to  
Dark World and play it to him. Tada! He's a tree! Now play it in front  
of the weather vane in the village (Light World). Now you can use this  
bird to transport you to any of eight different locations (only in the  
Light World!).  
You get this from the sick boy in Kakariko Village. It can be used to  
catch bees and fairies and store them in your bottles. Curiously, it  
also be used to deflect the energy balls in the battle with Agahnim.  
This book is on top of a high shelf in the library. Ram into the shelf  
with the pegasus boots to knock it down to the floor. This book is used  
to translate ancient Hylian writings so you can read them. Just use the  
book when you're standing in front of the sign.  
Bottles are used for storing things like bees, fairies, and magic  
potions. To drink a potion or use a fairy/bee, equip the bottle and  
press Y. I always keep the bottles full of the blue potion. Here's  
to find the four magic bottles...  
1 - In Kakariko Village (light world), buy it from a man for 100  
2 - In Kakariko Village (light world), enter the long house from  
the back entrance and open the chest.  
3 - Get it for free from a man living under a bridge south-east of  
Hyrule Castle in the light world.  
4 - Get the chest from the smithy shop in the Dark World, then go  
the desert in the Light World. Show it to the man beside the  
sign and he'll open it for you.  
This is a red cane with the power to miraculously create blocks. Pretty  
useless for most of the game, except for a few dungeons at the end. You  
can use it to hold down a switch or to create platforms in the Turtle  
Rock dungeon. It uses a little magic power.  
This cane is colored blue and it surrounds you with a shield of light  
when you use it. While this light is around you, you're invincible!  
would be a great item if it didn't suck away your magic power so  
furiously. I don't think you need to use this item at all during the  
The magic cape makes Link invisible (but you can still see the shadow).  
In addition to being invisible, you are also unharmed from all enemy  
attacks...including spikes! It does use a lot of magic though.  
This important item is used to transport from the Dark World to the  
Light World...which you be doing a lot of in this game. It does NOT  
bring you from the Light World to the Dark World. If you're in a  
you can use this to transport yourself back to the entrance.  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EQUIPMENT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
This is Link's weapon of choice. Use it with the B button. Hold B to  
charge up the sword then release to do a spin attack. There are 4  
different levels of sword. The first one comes from your uncle. The  
second one, the Master Sword, is from the Lost Woods after you get all  
three pendants. The third one, the Tempered Sword, is from the Smithys  
in the Dark World. The final one, the Golden Sword, comes from the fat  
fairy in the Dark World.  
The shield is equipped automatically and is also used automatically  
something is about to hit you. The first sword is from your uncle. The  
second one (the Red Shield) is from the fairy behind the waterfall and  
can protect you from fireballs. The third one (the Mirror Shield) is  
found in Turtle Rock and can deflect lasers.  
Your clothing serves as your armor. The better your clothing, the  
your defence is. Link starts out with the standard green cloths, then  
he gets a stylish blue suit from the Ice Palace, and finally a lovely  
red costume from Ganon's Tower. The Blue Mail cuts damage by 25%, and  
the Red Mail cuts damage by 50%. So if you normally lose one heart from  
an enemy attack while wearing the Green Tunic, you will only lose a  
heart with the Red Mail.  
The Pegasus Boots, aside from speeding up long walks, can be used to  
down some cracks walls. It's also great for attacking enemies and  
shaking rupees out of trees. Sahasrahla gives it to you after you show  
him the pendant of courage.  
The power glove is used to pick up big rocks and other heavy objects.  
The first one is found in the desert palace. There's also a stronger  
version of the power glove called "Titan's Mitt". It can be found in  
Blind's Hideout dungeon.  
The flippers allow you to swim in deep water. Get them from Zora at  
Zora's Waterfall. It's a bargain at only 500 rupees! This is one of the  
few times you'll actually use those rupees anyway, so go ahead and fork  
it over to him.  
The Moon Pearl is an extremely important item. It prevents you from  
turning into a rabbit when you go to the Dark World. Weird, I know.  
will those crazy Japanese think of next? As a bunny, you cannot use  
sword or any items at all besides the magic mirror. The Moon Pearl is  
found in the Tower of Hera.  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< OTHER ITEMS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
This is the currency of Hyrule. It's used to buy things at every store.  
You can get rupees by defeating enemies, looking in grasses and pots,  
or winning in mini-games. You'll rarely use them in the game, besides  
the 500 rupees for the flippers. Different colored rupees have  
green rupee = 1  
blue rupee = 5  
red rupee = 20  
These things sometimes come out of enemies when you defeat them, and  
also be found in jars. A smal jar restores a small bit of your magic,  
and a big one fills up the whole meter. Here's a neat trick: Freeze an  
enemy with the ice rod, then smash him with a hammer. A magic jar comes  
This is the measure of Link's energy. When you run out, you're dead.  
Extra hearts can be found in pots, bushes, and enemies when you defeat  
them. Link loses hearts when he's hurt by an enemy.  
These things can be found all over Hyrule in secret places, some more  
secret than others. After collecting 4 pieces of heart, Link gains a  
whole extra heart container. There are 24 heart pieces in all in the  
A heart container increases Link's maximum capacity of hearts. Just  
in other RPG's when the HP increases as you gain more levels. Four  
pieces of heart equal one heart container. Whole heart containers come  
out of major bosses when they're defeated.  
This item is used together with the map in dungeons. When you have the  
compass, the map shows your location and the location of the dungeon  
boss. There's a compass in every dungeon.  
There's also a map in every dungeon. When you have it, press the X  
button to look at it. It shows the different rooms of the dungeon (on  
all floors) and your current position.  
There are some locked doors in dungeons that require a key for you to  
pass through. Your answer: Use a small key! There are also bigger doors  
that require the big key (a.k.a. boss key). These doors usually lead to  
the boss.  
There are three pendants for you to find in the Light World: The  
of Courage, the Pendant of Power, and the Pendant of Wisdom. When these  
three combine, the seal guarding the master sword is broken and you can  
get it.  
Agahnim has sealed the seven delicious maidens, including Princess  
Zelda, in crystals hidden deep within the dungeons of the Dark World.  
Your goal in the Dark World is to get these sevel crystals. Then their  
power can combine to break the seal guarding Ganon's Tower.  
| 8) SECRETS  
This is a special section of the guide. Here you'll find a list of  
things to do in the game that do not give you any rewards, or affect  
outcome of the game. It's here to make you appreciate the game more.  
- I guess this isn't really a secret since so many people know about  
it... In Kakariko Village there are some chickens. How can you resist?  
Slash away with the sword! After about 30 hits, the chicken's family  
will fly in to get revenge! Be careful with this trick, the chickens  
peck you to death!  
- In the south-west part of Kakariko Village, there's a small hut with  
no doors and absolutely no way to get inside...or is there? Place a  
in the center of the wall to blow open an entrance. Inside there's a  
bunch of pots with bombs and arrows inside. This is a useful place to  
stock up on supplies.  
- Here's a neat trick to do whenever you're running low on magic power:  
Use the ice rod to freeze an enemy, then use the magic hammer on it to  
smash it to pieces. Tada! The result is a magic jar to refill your  
- In Kakariko Village, there's a man that runs away from you really  
whenever you try to get close to him. If you have the pegasus boots,  
can chase after him and actually catch him. He'll say that you must be  
really fast to kidnap Zelda, and he gives you a mildly helpfup tip...  
- The running man (above) gives you this tip. All around Hyrule, you  
bash into trees witht he Pegasus Boots to make small goodies fall out  
like rupees, hearts, and sometimes even a fairy.  
- South of your house is a "swampy grassy place", and there's a small  
structure there. Go inside. Push aside the blocks and go on to the next  
room. Pull the right switch to release the water, then go outside.  
There's a fish out of water! Do the honorable thing: Pick up the fish,  
go one screen up and throw him back into the deep water. He'll give you  
a red rupee as a reward.  
- In the "swampy grassy place", there's a rabbit that hops in and out  
the grass. At least, I *think* it's a rabbit. Anyway... when he jumps  
out of the grass, cut the grass underneath him. He'll get stuck. Touch  
him and he will say, "All right! Take it, theif!". What the hell? He  
gives a fairie, ruppee, heart, bombs, arrows, magic jars, and other  
random items.  
- You can often find "red bubbly enemies" bouncing around in dungeons.  
These annoying bitches can be deadly! But there is a way to use them to  
your advantage. Sprinkle some magic powder on it and POOF! It's a  
- You know how you need to deflect Agahnim's attacks with the Master  
Sword? There's another weapon that does the job just as effectivly: The  
bug catching net! You can use the bug catching net in the battles with  
- In the center of Lake Hylia there's an island with a cave inside. In  
the cave, there is a pond that you can throw rupees in. For every 100  
rupees that you throw in, a big fairy will appear and give you a choice  
of increasing your maximum capacity of bombs or arrows. Arrow capacity  
can be increased from 30 to 70, and bomb capacity from 10 to 50! The  
total cost of upgrades is well over 1000 rupees!  
- Trivia: In the game's ending credits, a slow ballad of the classic  
Zelda theme begins to play when sound composer Koji Kondo's name  
appears. Sweet.  
Special thanks to...  
- Nintendo for making this game and never letting me down  
- for posting all my FAQs. This is my 11th so far.  
You may freely place this document on non-profit websites without  
explicit permission from the author as long as (1) it is not modified  
all and (2) I recieve full credit. Take note that any future  
updates will be sent only to  
Before coming to me with questions, please make sure that it's not  
already answered in this guide. And make sure you're looking at the  
feedback goes to  
For news about the progress of my FAQs, and announcements of future  
Copyright (c) Michael Gonzalez 2004  
This guide has been licensed for use on and the above listed  
entities if any. Reproduction or use on another website without permission of  
the author *not zeldasages, the original writer* is considered illegal.  

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